​Topic 5-02-6 – Course Deficiency/Failure

Students must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to participate in activities and athletics.  Eligibility will be based on the previous quarter's performance.

  • If a student falls below a 2.0 GPA in any quarter, he/she is automatically put on probation for the next quarter.
  • If at the end of the next quarter the student's grades are still below 2.0 GPA, the student is declared ineligible for the entire quarter.
  • Ineligibility begins on the day that quarter grades are distributed.  The student will remain ineligible for the entire quarter.
  • A student who is declared ineligible at the end of the fourth quarter may be placed on probation and have his/her eligibility reinstated for the fall quarter if the student attends Bishop Alemany's Summer School program and raises his/her fourth quarter GPA to at least a 2.0.  Bishop Alemany's academic summer school courses will be averaged with the student's fourth quarter class.
  • Enrollment in certain classes may be limited by the academic standing of a student.

    The rules of eligibility pertain to participation in all athletic contests, practices, and to the following student activities:  Student Government, Drama Production, Cheerleaders, Band or Clubs, and any other activities so designated by the Administration.

    Academic Probation – The Assistant Principal of Curriculum in consultation with the Director of Counseling Services may place a student on academic probation if the student's performance places him/her in danger of academic dismissal.  Parents/guardians are notified and must meet with the student's counselor to plan a strategy for success.
  • Students who receive two failures at the end of the quarter are placed on academic probation and must attend tutoring sessions before or after school.
  • Students who receive two failures at the semester are placed on academic probation for the remainder of the school year and are required to make up these courses in summer school or through an alternative approved by the Assistant Principal of Curriculum in consultation with the Director of Counseling Services before being readmitted to Bishop Alemany the following fall.​
  • Probation for Athletes - If a student-athlete on Academic Probation agrees to a mandatory tutoring arrangement with the Assistant Principal of Curriculum, he/she may be allowed to participate in practices and be present for home games but may not play or travel with the team.  At home games, he/she may sit on the bench/sideline, but in school or practice uniform, not in athletic gear or game uniform.

