Topic 6-12-07 – Discipline Policies and Procedures in Athletics
Code of Conduct
A Bishop Alemany High School athlete in competition is expected to follow certain principles:
1. Never use profanity or illegal tactics.
2. Be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
3. Always congratulate the opponent.
4. When speaking to an official, always speak in a tone of respect and only to clarify a rule.
5. Violations of good behavior will result in removal from the team by the Head Coach or Athletic Director for a specified period of time.
6. Bishop Alemany High School adheres to CIF policy with regards to ejections/removals from athletic contests.
- The first offense will result in a one-game suspension and a parent conference.
- The second offense in the season will result in a two-game suspension.
- The third offense (in the same season) will require the student athlete to sit out the remainder of that season of competition per CIF rules.
7. Any athlete who is involved in a fight for any reason may be suspended per CIF rules for one game. Should this happen a second time, the athlete may be suspended for one year to the day and not receive a letter or any post-season awards per CIF and school rules.
8. Any student found guilty of striking an official will be barred from athletic competition at Bishop Alemany High School during the remainder of his or her athletic eligibility. This would constitute grounds for expulsion from school.
9. Any player found using any form of chewing tobacco at practice or during a game will be automatically suspended for one game.
Bishop Alemany High School is committed to providing an environment that is free from any type of harassment. The school will treat all allegations of harassment seriously. Harassment, including verbal, physical or written intimidation, degrading of a person, ethnic slurs, name calling, prejudicial behavior, employing actions to victimize and make life miserable for other persons, and team initiation tactics will never be tolerated. Such actions call for serious disciplinary follow-up from the school.
General Athletic Policies
1. Bishop Alemany High School provides secondary insurance coverage for physical injury for all students automatically. Injuries incurred in athletic participation are included in this coverage for all sports except tackle football. Before a student can participate in football, he must buy the extended coverage from the school's insurance carrier. The cost of insurance is determined by the insurance carrier on a year-to-year basis.
2. A student who receives a GPA of less than 2.0 in any two consecutive quarters is ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for the time specified in the school regulations.
3. Students absent from school may not participate in a game or practice on the day he/she is absent. Absence is defined as failure to report to school for a minimum of half the instructional day. Students absent from school on Friday may not compete in a game on the following day unless they present written permission from their parents/guardians to do so prior to the game. The same rule applies when the student is absent on the day before a school holiday and the game is played on the holiday.
4. If an athlete drops a sport, he or she forfeits all awards for that sport. No athlete who drops a sport after the first scheduled game (not scrimmage) will be allowed to participate in another sport during the season or portion of the same season except with mutual consent of both Head Coaches involved and final approval of the Athletic Director. If a student athlete is removed from the team for disciplinary reasons, he or she will not be allowed to compete or practice in another sport without the approval of the Athletic Director and Deans of Discipline.
5. The athlete is financially responsible for all equipment signed out to him or her. All equipment issued must be returned or paid for before the athlete can receive his or her award or begin another sport. Replacement costs will be based on the current market value. An athlete may not take quarter or final exams until restitution is made. In addition, grade reports and transcripts may be withheld.
6. Uniforms and related equipment will be used only during scheduled practice and games of that sport. They may not be worn at any other time unless permission to do so is obtained from the Coach and Athletic Director, or as the approved day-of-game apparel.
7. Bishop Alemany High School follows all State and local recommendations regarding excessive heat situations. These recommendations will be considered by the Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, and Coaching Staff to maintain the highest level of safety for our student athletes.