Skip Navigation LinksCantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School Parent/Student Handbook > chapter-7-TUITION AND FEES > section-7-4-Parent Service and Fundraising Requirements

Cardinal Pledge Program  
All families must participate in the Cardinal Pledge Program (CPP) by donating $600.00 annually to the Development Program for each year a family has a student attending the school. Parents fulfill this obligation by making 12 payments of $50 per month through FACTS along with their tuition payment. The donations made through this program provide the school with funds for general campus operations and campus improvements. The CPP Program is replacing the mandatory fundraisers that were run in the past.​

Parent Service Hours

All families of CSHM are required to serve 30 hours per year. This equates to $450.00. Each hour served by the parent at any event equals $15.00 per hour. ​Parent Service Hours are not transferable and cannot be carried forward to the following school year. All hours must be served or paid by May 1st. Please remember to always sign in on the CSHM Parent Hour tracking form each time you donate an item or work a particular event at the school. A letter is mailed out in December and again in May detailing the hours completed by the family.

