
Punctuality is an essential part of the college preparatory learning experience, thus students should arrive at least 15 (fifteen) minutes before the tardy bell Monday thru Friday - 7:55 am 

Tardiness is defined as being late for the beginning of the school day or for a particular class period.The student is tardy if he/she is not in the assigned seat or at the assigned station when the second bell rings.

Parents and Students are reminded that attendance and tardiness are part of the permanent record of each student, and are used by prospective colleges and employers who often question the reason for frequent tardiness and absence. 

Excused tardies must be accompanied by a written note from a parent or guardian. Students are allowed 5 excused tardies per semester.

Excessive tardiness may result in referral of the student's record to the Dean of Students who will consult with the Administrative Team on what further action to take.

Students who arrive later than 8:30 am must report to the front office with an excuse note from a parent or guardian.

Tardy Disciplinary Guidelines

The following are disciplinary actions taken for unexcused tardies for the school day:

  1. 3 to 7 unexcused tardies in a 2 week period = 1 hours Dean’s Detention
  2. 8 + unexcused tardies in a 2 week period = two 1 hour Dean’s Detention
  3. After 10 unexcused tardies in a quarter, a student may be subject to a tardy probation contract.
  4. After 15 unexcused tardies in a semester, a student may be subject to suspension, loss of credit, and/or a disciplinary contract.


A student on a tardy probation contract must attend two(1 hour) Deans' Detention before the end of the month Any tardy while on a tardy probation contract will be considered a violation of terms and the student could face further disciplinary action up to and including detention, suspension, and/or disciplinary probation. If all terms and conditions are met, a tardy probation contract will expire after one (1) month.

