Saint Joseph High School has established a robust Technology Program which provides safe and effective technology resources to enhance student learning. The objectives of the Technology Program are
- to acquire, install, and maintain up-to-date and emerging technology resources to enhance student-learning;
- to provide students equitable access to technology resources; and
- to ensure, ultimately, that SJHS graduates students who are prepared and competitive in college and in the technologically sophisticated workplace.
The SJHS principal and administration guides and oversees the implementation and usage of these resources. The SJHS Technology Team manages these resources and collaborates with teachers to integrate them into their instructional practices.
Saint Joseph High School is a Los Angeles Archdiocesan high school and complies with the Los Angeles Archdiocesan (ADLA) Administrative Handbook. The SJHS Technology Policy applies to students, their parents/guardians, teachers, staff, administrators, and guests. All users must review, understand, acknowledge, and comply with the SJHS Technology Policy and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
SJHS Technology Resources
The following Technology Services are available:
Jester Ipad Each student and teacher is issued a
Jester Ipad that is fully configured with Wifi access and software Apps.
SJHS Campus-Wide WiFi Students, Teachers, Staff and Administration may access the SJHS Wireless Network (WiFi) and approved software through Jester Ipads, SJHS computers located on campus or their APPROVED personal device (Macbook) which must be registered through the
SJHS Bring Your Own Apple Device (BYOAD) program.
- A student or staff member may not have their personal device on campus or access the SJ-Network unless it is registered. Refer to the BYOAD policy.
- Cell phones and smart phones are not approved devices, will not be registered and will not have access to the SJ-Jester network or WiFi; students must follow the Cell Phone policy outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.
- Students are not allowed to use their Jester Ipads or phones as a “Hot Spot” during school hours on campus. Hot Spots pose a significant security risk and if a student activates a Hot Spot, whe is subject to disciplinary action.
Imacs are located in offices and classrooms for use by SJHS employees. Imacs for student use are located in the Computer Lab (Room 303), JLC, and Flynn Center study room.
PrintersMulti-function devices (print, copy, scan, fax) are located in the JLC, Faculty Room, Main Office and Convent.
Students have access to the printer in the Jester Learning Center (JLC) through their Ipads, BYOAD Macbooks, or lab Imacs. A printer card must be purchased at the Student Store.
Teachers, Staff and Administration have access to the printers which operate with a Print card (although several employees have "Direct Print" capability).
Saint Joseph High School eMail SJHS has implemented a successful, managed eMail program using Gmail. Each student is assigned a Saint Joseph High School email address which is their "" and a password; the password is changed periodically by the technology team.
The following rules are enforced by the Technology Director and violators are subject to disciplonary action:
- Do not share your email password with anyone.
- Do not change your email password. If a password is changed, it will be set back to the one assigned by the Technology Department.
- SJHS email should only be used for school related purposes.All eMail messages should be educationally purposeful and appropriate.
- The following are prohibited:Hate mail,
- Harassment,
- Discriminatory remarks,
- Vulgarity and swearwords,
- Other antisocial behaviors,
- Chain letters, and
- Threats of any kind.
Faculty, staff and administrators are also issued SJHS email addresses and must follow the same guidelines.
Educational Technology (Software)
Several applications and software programs are available to SJHS students, including but not limited to the following:
- Google tools
- PowerSchool
- Schoology
- Enrichment Block tool
- Naviance (College Advisors)
- X2Vol (Christian Service Hours)
- MathXL
- Digital Theatre (English)
- Gizmos (Science)
The goal is to make the student’s ID or her SJHS eMail address the “single sign-on” (SSO) for SJHS academic and co-curricular systems/tools. Some of the academic tools still require an additional logon ID and Password. The same guidelines for usage and password sharing apply.
SJ Network and Internet SafetySaint Joseph High School is compliant with the
Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the LA Archdiocese CIPA guidelines. We have implemented a “Firewall” which blocks some internet usage and filters internet content. The Firewall executes the following:
- Prohibits use of social networking sites
- Blocks inappropriate websites
- Stops the download of inappropriate content
- Monitors outgoing information to assure it is appropriate
- Stops unapproved users from accessing our intranet, internal systems, and databases
The Jester Ipads have additional filtering capability through the LTE connection.
Students should not use a “Hot Spot” on their cell phone, smartphone, or Ipad to avoid the SJHS Firewall. This is a serious violation and subject to disciplinary action.
To assure the safety of the Jesters and SJHS employees, SJHS monitors the use of the Internet:
- We do not allow access to inappropriate websites and block the download of inappropriate or dangerous content. We can identify the device and device owner when multiple attempts to access an inappropriate website is made. When a student attempts to access inappropriate websites, she is subject to disciplinary action. If a user believes that he/she needs access to a blocked website, the user should notify a teacher or supervisor and submit a TNT change request ticket.
- We assure that outgoing information is appropriate. When a student user sends inappropriate information, she is notified, asked to retrieve the information, and is subject to disciplinary action
SJHS Internet Safety RulesBelow is a long, but not complete, list of rules that must be followed by students and users (SJHS employees / guests) that access the internet from the SJ-Jester WiFi / network. Some of these guidelines are implemented in the Firewall; others must be followed by the student or employee. When a student violates one of these rules, she is subject to disciplinary action.
- Faculty or administrator permission is required to stream music from the internet.
- Faculty or administrator permission is required to stream videos from the Internet/YouTube app.
- Respect copyright laws
and licensing agreements pertaining to materials used and obtained via
the Internet or other electronic sources.
- Students are not allowed to avoid the SJHS Firewall (and security) by using a Hot Spot
- Students are not allowed to access the following during the school day (unless permission granted by a teacher or administrator):
- Social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat and others
- Instant Messaging
- Outside email accounts
- Games, including educational games.
- Students are never allowed to access the following during the school day:
- Information related to gambling, illegal drugs, alcohol use
- Online merchandising and shopping
- Hate speech
- Criminal skills training
- Alternative journals, fan fiction, and chat rooms
- Pornographic material
- Inappropriate text files
- Information advocating violence
- Files
harmful to the integrity of Saint Joseph High School
- Do not use the SJHS internet connection and/or other SJHS resources for personal gain, profit, commercial advertising, or political lobbying.
- Do not provide Personal Identifiable Informatin (PII), such as name, address, phone number, school name, or other personal information, online unless it is for educational purposes and the student is under the supervision of a teacher, administrator, or technology staff member.
- Do not provide PII, including job duties, or student information (i.e., class lists) outside the SJHS premises or network without explicit permission from the principal.
- Do not host a 3rd party website using SJHS technology resources
- Do not create and / or install damaging software on SJ technology resources; do not install unapproved software on SJ technology resources.
other artifacts that have inappropriate references, images, videos,
etc. about SJHS (institution, students, faculty, staff, administrators,
other community members)
- DO NOT POST CONTENT ONLINE. Note that once you create it or post it, you can delete it but you can never be guaranteed that it is gone.
- Do not post inappropriate content on any public internet site, chat room, or other public electronic media.
- Do not post images of students, teachers, staff, or other personnel on the Internet without receiving written permission from SJHS and the individual(s) involved.
- Do not use recording devices to slander, bully or denigrate any student, visitor, staff member, faculty member, and/or administrator, on or off the campus, at any time.
If a student comes across
information or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening,
or make her feel uncomfortable, she should talk to a Wellness Counselor
Access Control System & Network SafetySJHS has implemented an Access Control System (ACS) and process for granting access to our systems and assigning logon IDs and Passwords. SJHS assures that only authorized users access to and/or change SJHS systems and data.
Saint Joseph High School students (and all users) are expected to abide by the following guidelines and rules. When a student violates one of these rules, she is subject to disciplinary action.
- Do not share password(s) with anyone.
- Do not use another student’s logon ID and password to log onto SJHS systems.
- If you forget your password, open a
TNT Ticket. - If you suspect that someone knows your password, and your password needs to be changed, open a
TNT Ticket.Do not bypass or attempt to bypass (hack) network security to access inappropriate material. - Do not bypass or attempt to bypass (hack) network security to impair the functionality of any computer or network.
- Use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is prohibited on SJHS devices and network.
- Do not assist others in violating these rules by sharing information or passwords.
If a student suspects or knows about a security problem, she should talk to a Wellness Counselor immediately.
Photo, Video, and Audio RecordingA student device may be equipped with a camera and microphone, allowing video, image, and audio capture. At no time should a student record a student, teacher, parent, presenter, etc. without permission from the parties involved and a teacher or other SJHS official. In addition, permission must be obtained from the parties involved before publishing content.
Each student must exercise good judgment when using her device camera and microphone, including respecting copyright laws.
Vandalism/DamageVandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy any part of Saint Joseph’s resources, which include technological devices and equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, uploading, creating, or transmitting computer viruses; “hacking” into any part of the Saint Joseph High School system, and physical damage to the SJHS hardware.
CyberbullyingBullying is the habitual harassing, intimidating, tormenting, browbeating, humiliating, terrorizing, oppressing and/or threatening of another person. Cyberbullying occurs when the Internet, mobile phones, or other cyber technology are used to bully a student.
Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to:
- Sending inappropriate text, e-mail, or instant messages.
- Posting inappropriate pictures or messages about others in blogs or on websites.
- Using someone else’s user name to spread rumors or lies about someone.