No student is permitted to leave campus during school hours, except in the following circumstances:
  • Written permission from her parents/guardians to leave early for personal reasons;
  • Early dismissal to attend a school-sponsored event (athletic, pep squad, ASB, etc.);
  • Student is ill and her parents/guardians are called to pick her up early.
A student may NOT leave campus without proper authorization, or she will be considered truant. If the student is driving her own vehicle, she may not leave campus without authorization from a parent/guardian.

Early Dismissal for Personal Reasons
If a student needs to leave early, her parents/guardians must write a note that includes the following:
  • student's name
  • grade level
  • exact time of dismissal
  • reason for dismissal
  • name of the adult approved to pick up the student OR indicate that the student drove to school and will transport herself
  • parent/guardian signature
  • parent/guardian phone number

To receive an Early Dismissal Slip, the student must:
  • Submit the note to the Attendance Secretary prior to the first bell and receive an early dismissal slip.
  • Show the Early Dismissal Slip to her teacher.
  • When it is time to leave, if the student drove a car to school, the student will report to the main office before leaving campus.
  • If the student does not drive, the parent/guardian or approved adult must come to the Attendance Office to sign her out.
  • Come to the entrance gate and buzz the office for admittance. Proceed to the designated Visitor Parking Spot on the last row of the main parking lot and proceed to the Attendance Office to sign your daughter out. 
If the student returns to campus on the same day, the student will report to the Attendance Office to get a Class Admission Slip.

Early Dismissal for School-Sponsored Event
Students who need to leave school early for school-sponsored events do not need to go to the Attendance Office. They should report to their coach or moderator who has arranged the early dismissal.

Illness During the School Day
If a student becomes ill or has an accident during the school day, she should report to the Attendance Office to call her parents / guardians. During class time, she should notify her teacher before going to the Attendance Office. The Attendance Secretary will call the student's parents / guardians and ask that they pick up their daughter. SJHS will make arrangements for her care until she is picked up.

