​Family involvement is the primary factor in each student’s success, so Saint Joseph High School strives to partner with parents/guardians in all aspects of school life. SJHS is committed to effective communication between the school and the students/parents/guardians.  We strive for a unified voice among faculty, staff, and administration in all communications. SJHS has established several “formal” communication methods and informal approaches, as described below: 

SJHS Parent-Student Handbook
This Parent-Student Handbook is a “living document” and facilitates the smooth day-to-day operation of SJHS. The handbook includes policies and procedures established by the SJHS Principal and Administration. Although the handbook is updated for each school year, if the Principal or LA Archdiocese add or update policies, SJHS updates the handbook so students and parents/guardians have access to the most recent information.

SJHS Student Agenda/Planner
Each year, SJHS Administration publishes a student agenda; a hard copy is available for purchase in the Student Store. The agenda contains the following:
  • Daily student Block Schedule
  • Holidays and breaks
  • SJHS student and parent events
  • Key information: Mission Statement, Integral Student Outcomes, etc.

SJHS has a robust website, rehosted in 2019, which includes information that is aligned with the SJHS Parent-Student Handbook. Some parts of the website are referenced by the handbook, and therefore establish policy. We strive to maintain consistent information between the handbook, website and other SJHS information sources. If any member of the SJHS Community identifies a conflict or has a question, please contact the Director of Public Relations.

SJ App
The SJHS App is available from the App store on iPhones and Android phones. The App provides school information; parents/guardians may use the app to report a student absence during the 2022-2023 school year.

Monday Minder
Saint Joseph High School publishes a weekly newsletter/bulletin for current parents/guardians and students. This is the best source of news and current events at SJHS. Service Hour opportunities are also published in the Monday Minder.

The Monday Minder is emailed to parents/guardians the Saturday before each week. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing accurate eMail addresses during registration. If you are not receiving the Monday Minder, please contact the Main Office.

Parent Emails
SJHS administration, business office, and faculty send key emails when needed, above and beyond the Monday Minder.  Parents/guardians are responsible for providing accurate eMail addresses during registration. If you are not receiving the eMails or Monday Minder, please contact the Main Office.

Parent/Guardian "Texting"
The Principal uses the Remind application to send group text messages to parent/guardian mobile phones. Remind is also used by coaches and other group leaders to communicate with parents/guardians. This secure application does not reveal phone numbers to the users or recipients.

Section and Section Teacher Program
The students are divided into “Sections”, which meet most days of the week. Section is the vehicle for communication from the administration and faculty to the students. Each section is assigned a Section Representative (elected) and a Section Teacher who oversees and communicates pertinent information to the students.

Section is also used for student training and development. For example, when fire drills are practiced, students are in section.

Daily Announcements
The ASB Executive Board opens the school day with prayers and daily announcements. Each student should pay attention and take note of the announcements that apply to her.

If a member of the SJHS Community wants to add something to the Daily Announcements, send an email to PA@SJ-Jester.org.  The email will be reviewed and if approved by the Director of Student Activities, it will be by 7am to be included in the Daily Announcements.

If the announcement needs clarification, the Director of Student Activities reserves the right to delay the announcement.

Friday Funnies
At the end of each school week, Dr. Mendoza does a special announcement. She highlights the important topics of the week and wishes the students a good weekend or break.

Teacher Office Hours
Teachers remain in their classrooms 30 minutes after the final bell, except on days when they have faculty meetings after school.Each teacher publishes his/her office hours on each course syllabus. Students can visit their teachers during office hours to ask question and seek help.

Contact 6+1
Faculty communicates directly with families about students’ successes and challenges during the time allocated each month to “Contact 6+1” families. Each month the teacher telephones or emails seven families to celebrate a student’s academic, interpersonal, social, or athletic success or to partner with her family to support a student in overcoming academic, interpersonal, social, or athletic challenges.