If a student becomes ill or has an accident during the school day, she should report to the Attendance Office to call her parents / guardians. During class time, she should request permission from her teacher; outside of class time, she should go to the Attendance Office.

The Attendance Secretary will call the student's parents / guardians and ask that they pick up their daughter. SJHS will make arrangements for her care until she is picked up.

If a student becomes ill or has an accident at an SJHS sponsored outing (field study trip, athletic event, etc.), the designated school official will manage the situation.

  • For minor illnesses and accidents
    • The student's parents/guardians will be called to come and pick up their daughter
    • The designated SJHS school official (e.g., coach, teacher, moderator) will complete the Student Accident Form (located on the Teacher Portal)
  • For illnesses or accidents requiring immediate medical attention
All coaches are first aid and CPR trainined; the SJHS Trainer may be in attendance at athletic events.

Student Accident Form:

Student Accident Form.png

