​The curriculum at archdiocesan Catholic schools integrates the mission of Christ to teach the Gospel message to all. The archbishop and archdiocese are committed to providing strong academic experiences for students in school communities that reflect two purposes: the teaching mission of the Church and the need to educate youth for life in a way that relies on academic skills and requires sound preparation.

The curriculum consists of all learning experiences that are planned and organized under the principal's leadership, implementing the school's educational goals in a manner that reflects a commitment to Catholic teachings. The curriculum must be consistent with the philosophy of the school, educational policies of the archdiocese, and requirements of the applicable sections of the California Education Code. The commitment to ongoing academic excellence, personal growth, leadership, and service as components of Catholic identity extends to all aspects of the academic program.
The curriculum is planned at each school to meet these overall objectives and the particular needs of the individual school community. The Department of Catholic Schools provides support for curriculum matters. In parish elementary schools and high schools, the pastor and principal consult on these matters. The archdiocesan high school curriculum is coordinated by the principal with senior academic and administration staff. While the principal may raise curriculum issues with consultative school boards and groups, the principal reserves responsibility for curriculum matters.

Saint Joseph High School's educational goals are consistent with the school's philosophy, the educational policies of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and the laws of the State of California.

SJHS Academic Program
The SJHS academic program serves the whole student, providing faith formation, academic preparation, athletics, The Arts, Wellness, and co-curricular activities. SJHS is fully accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). In addition to required Religion and college prep courses, SJHS offers Advanced Placement courses, Honors courses, Visual and Performing Arts courses, and many elective courses to prepare students for success in college and beyond.

Our daily rotating "block" schedule spans three 85-minute block periods, as well as weeky Enrichment Blocks reserved for club meetings, assemblies, tutorials, and guest speakers.

Course Catalog and Website
The SJHS Academic Program is on the website: Academics tab and includes a comprehensive description of the academic departments as well as the Course Catalog, book list, AP classes, and technology.

Student Course Selection
Each semester, SJHS students collaborate with their Academic Advisor to select courses from the catalog that will ensure their graduation in four years.  Although some classes are pre-selected at each grade level, the students have choices to make. 
  • Each incoming freshman is placed into specific academic classes based upon her High School Placement Test (HSPT) results, previous academic performance, and some specific academic department placement tests. She can select her World Language and Visual and Performing Arts classes.
  • In March, each returning student works with her Academic Advisor to make her course selections for the next school year. She selects classes based on her grade level, report card grades, testing data, and teacher recommendations.
Every attempt is made to schedule the student into her first choice of classes. Sometimes this is not possible and when this occurs, her Academic Advisor and the AP for Curriculum and Instruction will work with the student to set her schedule.

Student Course Schedule Change
All changes or adjustments in a student's schedule are handled through her Academic Advisor.

If a student has a compelling reason to change her schedule before the semester starts or within the first 2 weeks of the semester and the Master Schedule allows the change, she must fill out a “Schedule Change Request” form (below). This is a 3-part paper form available from her Academic Advisor. She must obtain the approval signature from her parents/guardians, her academic advisor, and the Master Schedule Coordinator.

Sched Change Form.jpg