In order to receive a diploma from Saint Joseph High School, students must enroll in six courses per semester and satisfactorily complete a minimum of 240 credits (one semester course = 5 credits). SJHS requirements align with the ADLA Administrative Handbook Section 11.3.10, Graduation Requirements:

The following courses must be taken in these specific departments:


Senior Capstone Project and Interview
The Senior Capstone Project and Interview is a Saint Joseph High School graduation requirement. During her senior year, 2nd semester, each graduating senior prepares an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) which includes the following:
  • How she has accomplished the SJHS Integral Student Outcomes (ISOs)
  • How her Christian Service projects and experience were transformative actions of social justice
  • Towards the end of the school year (usually right before Easter break), Saint Joseph High School dedicates a day to Senior Capstone Interviews.
SJHS invites community leaders, LA Archdiocese leaders, Catholic high school administrators, alumnae, and alumnae parents to be members of Senior Capstone Interview Panels. (It would be a conflict of interest for parents of seniors to be panelists; however, once the senior graduates, her parents may participate on a Senior Capstone Panel.) There is also an SJHS administrator and teacher on each panel who facilitates the interview session.

On senior capstone day, each graduating senior is scheduled for her interview session:
  • She presents her ePortfolio.
  • She summarizes her achievements and how they fulfill the ISOs.
  • She summarizes her Christian service achievements.
  • After the presentation, the panelists ask questions to prompt further discussion about her experience at SJHS and her achievements.
  • Upon completion, the panel may provide feedback to the students.
  • Finally, the SJHS teacher/facilitator gathers feedback from the panel and grades (pass/fail) the Senior Capstone Project.
Written Formative Assessment
The Written Formative Assessment (WFA) is integrated into the English curriculum.  The WFA assures that each student can write an essay and prepares her for college. Each grade level has a WFA requirement:
  • First semester: teachers prepare students for their second semester WFAs
  • Second semester: 2 WFAs - each essay is worth 50 points
  • Passing average: 73% (85% to be eligible for English 2 Honors)
  • WFA each semester (total of 4) - each essay is worth 100 points
  • Passing average: 73% (80% to be eligible for AP English Language)
  • WFA each semester (total of 4) - each essay is worth 100 points
  • Passing average: 73% (73% to be eligible for AP English Literature)
  • WFA each semester (total of 4) - each essay is worth 100 points
  • Passing average: 73% and 70% for the students in AP English Literature
Any student with a yearly WFA average that falls below 73% at the end of the sophomore, junior, or senior school year, MUST enroll in the Written Formative Assessment review course. 

College and University Entrance Requirements
The Saint Joseph High School curriculum and graduation requirements meet the University of California (CU) and California State University (CSU) “A-G” Requirements. The UC system is composed of the following universities:

  • ​Berkeley
  • Davis
  • Irvine
  • Los Angeles
  • Merced
  • ​Riverside
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • Santa Barbara
  • Santa Cruz

The CSU system is composed of the following universities:
  • ​Bakersfield
  • Channel Islands
  • Chico
  • Dominguez Hills
  • East Bay
  • Fresno
  • Fullerton
  • Humboldt
  • ​Long Beach
  • Los Angeles
  • California Maritime Academy
  • Monterey Bay Northridge
  • Polytechnic University, Pomona
  • Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
  • ​Sacramento
  • San Bernardino
  • San Diego
  • San Francisco
  • San Jose
  • San Marcos
  • Sonoma
  • Stanislaus
To be considered for acceptance into a UC or CSU university, a student must complete the following courses with a grade of C or better:

​A-G Requirement
​Credits​High School Requirement
​A. History/Social Science
​2 years
​One year of World History
One year of US History OR one semester of US History and one semester of US Government
​B. English
​4 years
​One year at each grade level
​C. Mathematics
​3 years
(4 years recommended)
​Algebra 1
Advanced Algebra (Algebra 2)
​D. Laboratory Science
​2 years
(3 years recommended)
Chemistry or Physics
​E. World Language (Language Other Than English - LOTE)
​2 years
(3 years recommended)
​Two years of the same language other than English, includes American Sign Language (ASL)
​F. Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)
​1 year
​One year of the same VPA course
​G. Advanced Courses
​1 year
​Chosen from the following academic subjects: English, advanced math, lab science, LOTE, social science and art history

Independent Colleges and Universities
Requirements vary, but a strong academic preparation is needed. Furthermore, a student is assessed based on her personal statement, letters of recommendation, GPA, and co-curricular involvement. Her SAT or ACT test scores are used for placement (not acceptance).  SAT/ACT not necessary at some colleges and universities.

Community Colleges
The student must be a high school graduate or be 18 years old. There are no other entrance requirements.

