Parents/guardians are the primary educators of their children. SJHS supports, enhances, and complements the parent/guardian role through formal education. Teachers alert parents/guardians midway through each quarter if a student’s grade is a C- or below. Parents/guardians are encouraged to track their daughter’s progress, academic performance, and mid-quarter progress reports through the PowerSchool Parent Portal (teachers update student grades once a week). They can speak regularly with their daughters to offer support, encouragement, and direction.

Parents/guardians can contact their daughter’s teachers directly via email if there is concern regarding academic progress. Refer to the course syllabus or website for contact information and teacher availability.

In addition to PowerSchool, SJHS reports student progress and performance through other methods, as described below.

Report Cards and Grading Policies

Report cards are issued four times per year: 1st quarter, 1st semester, 3rd quarter, and 2nd semester.

The 1st and 3rd quarterly report cards are considered progress (mid-semester) reports; they are available to students on Powerschool and emailed to parents/guardians. They reflect an accurate assessment of the student’s progress up to that point in the semester, but these grades are not recorded permanently. (Quarter grades are used to determine eligibility for athletics and co-curricular activities.) PowerSchool gradebooks are locked after each quarter, so all the work for that quarter must be turned in by the student before the end of the quarter.

The 1st and 2nd semester grades include all of the semester work and are permanently recorded.

In general, SJHS does not use a weighted grading scale. Also, final summative assessments will not constitute more than 20% of the total grade for the course

