Skip Navigation LinksSaint Joseph High School (Lakewood) > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-08-Academic Probation, Retention/Transfer

There are three levels of Academic Probation, as defined below.

Incoming Freshman Academic Probation I
During the admissions process, applicant transcripts and test scores are evaluated by the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction to determine if an incoming freshman should be placed on Academic Probation during her first semester at SJHS. The student’s acceptance letter will indicate this status. A freshman who is placed on Academic Probation during the first semester will have her progress monitored by her Academic Advisor. If she receives two or more grades below a C- in the first quarter, she may be asked to withdraw from SJHS.

Academic Probation I
If a student receives two or more grades below a C- on her semester report card for the first time, she is placed on Academic Probation I for the following semester.
The academic advisor contacts the student and notifies her of the academic probation. She may have her co-curricular activities limited until she improves her grades. The student, her parents/guardians, and her academic advisor will sign her academic probation letter.

Academic Probation II
If a student receives two or more grades below a C- on her semester report card for the second time, she is placed on Academic Probation II for the following semester and her parents/guardians will be notified by her Academic Advisor.  The conditions are the same as Academic Probation I, including limiting her co-curricular activities as deemed appropriate by Administration

Academic Probation III Contract/Continued Enrollment
If a student is placed on academic probation for the third time, the following steps are executed:
  • A Student Success Team (SST) is created including the Dean of Advisors or the AP for Curriculum and Instruction.
  • The student meets with her SST to determine the best course of action.
  • She will have her co-curricular activities revoked until she improves her grades.
  • She and her Academic Advisor will create an Academic Probation III contract. The contract may state that the student will be asked to withdraw if she again receives two or more semester grades below C- in the future. 
  • The student, her parents/guardians, and her academic advisor will sign the Academic Probation III contract.
  • Any student who violates the Academic Probation III Contract may be asked to withdraw from school.

Academic Eligibility (Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities)
Eligibility across the board is a GPA of 2.0, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Only athletics is ruled by the CIF eligibility regulations.

Eligibility for athletics and co-curricular activities is determined differently than SJHS Academic Probation. Any student achieving less than a 2.0 unweighted grade point average at the end of any grading period (1st quarter, 1st semester, 3rd quarter, 2nd semester) will be placed on probation for the following quarter. A summer school course may be taken to replace a 2nd semester grade or to improve the student’s 2nd semester GPA.

During her Probation Quarter, the student may participate in athletics and co-curricular activities. If an athlete or co-curricular student fails to achieve an unweighted GPA of 2.0 by the next grading period (quarter), she will be ineligible to participate in an athletic or co-curricular activity until receives an unweighted GPA of 2.0 at the end of a quarter grading period.

An academically ineligible student may not participate in athletic or co-curricular activities (eg., athletic events/practices, theatre productions/rehearsals, co-curricular activities, school dances). However, she may attend athletic events and theatre productions as a spectator.

Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is contrary to the philosophy of Saint Joseph High School and subject to disciplinary action.

Chapter 8, Topic 8-1-07 contains the SJHS Academic Dishonesty Policy.

