The Saint Joseph High School Disciplinary Policy gradually increases the interventions
and consequences, and could lead to student dismissal. At times SJHS may judge that
a student can no longer remain at Saint Joseph High School because the presence of
the student is not a positive force contributing to the good of the student or the good of
the school.

Saint Joseph High School follows the ADLA Administrative Handbook regarding student
expulsion as outlined in
9/topic-13-9-6 .
​Reasons for expulsion include but are not limited to the following offenses:

● Actions that are gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other
● Habitual profanity or vulgarity
● Assault, battery, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any student or
school personnel
● Harassing, bull​ying, or hazing other students or school personnel
● Open, persistent defiance of the teacher's authority
● Continued willful disobedience
● Use, sale, distribution, or possession of narcotics, drugs,​ or any other controlled
substance on or near school premises
● Use, sale, distribution, or possession of any alcoholic beverages on or near
school premises
● Smoking, pos​session of tob​acco​, vaping or possession of vaping devices
● Theft
● Forgery of signatures
● Cheating or plagiarism
● Willful defacement or damage of school property, real or personal
● Habitual truancy
● Possession of harmful weapons (e.g., knives or guns) or materials that can be
used as weapons
● Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group
responsible for coercive or violent activity
● Actions in or out of school that are detrimental to the school's reputation
● Violations of the electronic acceptab​le use policies and guidelines
● Inappropriate conduct or behavior unbecoming a student in a Catholic school

