Safety/Disaster Plans
Holy Trinity staff members will follow the procedures listed below:
Procedures in the event of a missing child
- Send someone to notify administrator
- Make a brief yet thorough check of the school grounds.
- Call parents and anyone whose name appears on the emergency pick up card to check if they picked up the child.
- If the first two steps fail in locating the child, IMMEDIATELY call the police, making available to them a picture of the child, age, height, and weight--descriptions that can be found in the Cum file.
- Always fill out an accident reporting form/personal incident form and send it to the appropriate office or department.
Procedures in the event of a child collapsing during school time
- Do not move the student
- Check for breathing. If the injuries or condition of the student appears to be remotely serious, 911 is immediately called.
- Send someone to notify administrator.
- A "First Aid Certified" staff member or teacher immediately attends to the student, administering first aid as needed.
- Call the parents.
- Always fill out an accident reporting form/personal incident form and send it to the appropriate office or department.
Procedure in the event that student brings a weapon, especially a gun, to school.
- Notify administrator immediately.
- A student may be suspended or expelled for acts including possession of harmful weapons or materials which can be used as weapons.
Safety of School Buildings
Students are housed in buildings which meet Archdiocesan building specifications and are considered to meet safety standards. Staff members have emergency plans that will be followed in an emergency.
Parent/Guardian Provided Classroom Materials
An Earthquake Kit has been purchased for each student. The kit has a shelf life of 5 years and contains everything that a student would need for 3 days. Parents will pay a one-time fee of $20 per child upon entering the school.
Crisis Plan
All staff members are familiar with school's plan for a disaster. Monthly fire drills are held, and periodic drills are held for earthquake and sheltering-in-place. All students and staff members participate in these drills.
The school has the ability to notify you of an emergency through School Speak. Parents will be notified as soon as possible of any emergency situation. If telephones are operational following a serious earthquake, their use will be restricted to reporting medical, fire, or other emergencies. Please do not call the school. Information for parents will be released by local radio and television stations and through SCHOOL SPEAK and through the HT App. Emergency information will also be sent to parents on School Speak. Parents will be advised through this media, of local school conditions, dismissal times, and various disaster procedures.
In the event of a major earthquake or other disaster, school will not be dismissed and students will remain under supervision of school authorities until it is determined by the Administration that dismissal is warranted.
Picking Up Your Child When Dismissal is Determined
No student will be released to anyone other than his or her parent/guardian except those:
- Adults noted on the Emergency Release Form who will be asked to provide identification, their signature, their destination, phone number and address.
- If the administration feels that students can best be kept safe, by relocating to a safer location, the students will be moved. Notice of location will be posted on front door and school fence. If possible, this information will also go out to parents through the SCHOOLSPEAK.
Students are assigned to certain school personnel and the personnel should not be asked to locate students not assigned to their care.
Please minimize the possibility of a traffic jam and facilitate the smooth release of students by walking to school if possible. If driving, the traffic flow plan previously presented must be followed.
Disaster Plan - Student Pick-Up
All students, K through 8, will assemble in the main yard unless alleyways are impassable. If alley access is hazardous, Kindergarten will assemble in the K yard.
Parents should go to the entrance gates on Santa Cruz Street and tell a staff member the student's name which they are picking up. Students will only be released to persons authorized on the Emergency Release Form. DO NOT ENTER THE SCHOOL YARDS.
Whenever there is a local emergency situation, this school will follow the Los Angeles Unified School District directives regarding classes for the day, regarding school schedules.
Traffic should flow in the direction indicated on the diagram on page 53 of the handbook. It is the same as the drop-off/pick-up.