The decision to promote a pupil to the next grade or to retain them in the present grade will be based upon a consideration of the overall welfare of the pupil, i.e., made by carefully weighing academic, emotional and social factors.
In the event that retention is under consideration, the following guidelines will apply:
a. The teacher is responsible for consistent evaluation, early diagnosis and effective remediation of learning problems. Initially, the teacher should notify parents of the need for extra help such as professional tutoring, parent tutoring, or a summer session. The teacher will make every effort to provide extra assistance and or accommodations in the classroom.
b. The teacher should make the principal aware of any pupil showing significant learning problems by the end of the 2nd quarter. With the approval of the principal, the teacher should inform the parents regularly during the 3rd & 4th quarter of the pupil's progress and a possibility of retention.
c. Retention is more successful in primary grades than in intermediate or junior high grades; therefore, the primary grade teacher should diligently monitor students having difficulty so that problems may be corrected before the pupil reaches those grades. Although the opinions of the teacher and parents are significant factors, the final decision to retain a pupil is the responsibility of the principal.
d. In the case of a pupil with a severe learning problem it may be necessary to recognize that the parochial school is not equipped to meet the needs of every pupil and recommendation to transfer might be necessary.