
The school attends Mass on Friday mornings (8 am – 8:45 am) and on other Holy Days of Obligation. Students should arrive at school no later than 7:50 a.m. on Mass days.​​

The Eucharist during Mass is reserved only for Catholics who have had their First Communion. If First Communion training was given outside of La Purísima Concepción Catholic School, a copy of the student’s First Communion certificate must be on file in the school office in order to receive the Eucharist at Mass. Any student not receiving Communion may come up for a blessing during Communion.

Altar Serving

Any child, in 3rd – 8th grade who is Catholic and has completed the La Purísima Concepción Catholic Church altar server training course, ​may serve at school Mass and at other times during the school year.

Catholic Traditions

Students participate in school activities which celebrate saint feast days, holy days, and rituals of liturgical seasons, such as Advent wreaths and Stations of the Cross. We pray a monthly rosary together as a school family on the first Wednesday of the month. These faith activities are part of our rich heritage as a Catholic school.​

