Parents can look at SchoolSpeak to see students’ progress. Grades are published on SchoolSpeak at Progress Report and Report Card periods.
Progress reports are issued mid-way through the trimester. Report cards are given out on a trimester period (approximately every 14 weeks).
Report cards are an indicator of a student’s progress. You should make an appointment with the child’s teacher if your student’s performance is below average or failing. Effort and behavior grades are equally important. If this mark is below an “S” you must make an appointment with the student and teacher. This is the first step of academic or behavior probation.Students entering grades K-8th should have at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and acceptable behavior from the previous school or grade. All new students in grades are accepted on the condition that behavior and performance remain satisfactory. Grades will be monitored throughout the year and every effort will be made to assist the student in achieving the best academic record possible.
Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, or a high level of effort, to maintain their enrollment at La Purísima Concepción Catholic School. Students who receive under 70% in any academic area, regardless of the GPA, may be put on academic probation and will have one trimester to improve the grade. If the grade is not improved, and the teacher has noted no effort toward improvement, the student may be asked to leave La Purísima Concepción Catholic School at the end of the trimester.
A 2.0 GPA, with no“D's or “F's and no “NIs” in conduct, is required to participate in special school activities, including, but not limited to field trips, Red Ribbon Week, Christmas play, etc.