Daily Prayer: One only has to step onto the campus of Our Lady of Mount Carmel School to know that we are a Catholic school. The cross is featured prominently on the outside of our facility and hall and several statues of our Blessed Mother adorn the campus. Each classroom has a prayer center with sacramentals such as crucifixes, statues of Mary and the saints, prayer books and candles. Prayer is a central part of our day here at OLMCS. The day begins with morning assembly where the student council leads the school in our school prayer. During the Advent and Lenten seasons there is a special devotional for that season, such as the Advent Wreath and Jesse Tree. Every class prays the Hail Mary at the noon angelus bells. Each class ends the day with prayer. Some classes use a special class prayer written by the students while others recite traditional prayers and share special intentions.

Catholic Traditions: Our Catholic identity can be witnessed beyond the classroom in our community worship and participation in the sacraments and paraliturgical services through out the year. A wide variety of liturgical services and activities that are consistent with the school’s mission and philosophy are implemented by the professional staff to actively engage students. Such liturgies and paraliturgical services include student body mass at least two times a month, Family Mass once a month, Reconciliation services twice a year, and seasonal prayer services such as Blessing of the Animals, Advent  and Lenten-themed morning assemblies, and Stations of the Cross.​

