At the conclusion of each trimester, students showing high academic achievement in grades six and up will be recognized in teacher newsletters. During the end of year awards ceremony, middle school students who have maintained honors throughout the year will be awarded. The criteria for these honors is as follows:
First Honors 4.0-3.8 G.P.A. as well as a B or higher in both effort and behavior
Second Honors: 3.79-3.4 G.P.A. as well as a B or higher in effort and behavior
Honorable Mention may be awarded to a student who has shown unusually high effort throughout his or her academics while falling short of the required GPA for an Honor Award.

Any student receiving a grade lower than a C (2.0) in any subject, including behavior and effort, on his/her report card is ineligible for Academic Honors.  A student who has 10 or more tardies in a trimester is ineligible for Academic Honors. Grades are awarded the following point value:

A = 4.0     A-= 3.7    B+= 3.3    B= 3.0    B-= 2.7     C+ = 2.3     C= 2.0    C-= 1.7    D=1.0    F=0.0​

