23.1d  Tardiness

A student is tardy if he or she arrives after the time fixed by the school for the beginning of the morning or afternoon session. If the student comes after the designated time, he or she is marked absent half a day. A record of all tardiness is kept in the attendance register and records.


Students entering the classroom late cause interruptions to the other students and the teacher who has already begun teaching.  It also affects the education and the tone of the day for the child that is late.  For these reasons, it is extremely important to begin the school day on time.  Developing the habit of punctuality is a good self-discipline and a life skill.  If a student is not in the room when the bell rings at 8:20 a.m., he or she is considered tardy.  Students who are tardy will need to go directly to the office to get a late slip before being admitted back to class.  If a student goes to class without getting a late slip, the student will be sent back to the office for the slip in order to be admitted to class.


A record of all tardiness is kept in the attendance register and permanent records.



Each student will be allotted three tardies per trimester without consequence. Parents will be charged $10​​​ per additional tardy per child beyond three tardies in each trimester. These charges will be added at the close of each month directly to family FACTS accounts.


Middle School Tardies​

Middle school teachers will track attendance to their classes throughout the school day to teach punctuality and discipline in preparation for high school. Middle school students who are tardy to class without excuse may receive a conduct referral.

Contracts for Absences and Tardies

Students with excessive tardies will need documentation, or with excessive absences will need a doctor's note to explain the reason for missing classes.  Without such documentation, the student will be placed on contract and a plan will be set in place to remedy the situation.  Being on contract may result in the loss of extracurricular programs.


