27.1 Closed Campus

To preserve the academic environment and school security, Archdiocesan and parish schools are designated as "closed campuses."  No person may enter the campus unless authorized by the school administration.  Visitors must present themselves at the school office if they are seeking information or have business to conduct with the school.


The school courtyard gate and the pedestrian gate next to it will be locked promptly at 8:20 a.m. each morning.  School security guidelines recommend that there be only one point of entry during the school day.  The single point of entry for Our Lady of Grace School is the front office where we have a security camera, intercom, and entrance buzzer.


Anyone entering the school for any purpose must enter through the front door entrance, sign in, and receive a visitor pass.  This important safety instruction must apply to everyone without exception.


No dogs or cats are allowed on school grounds.  Students and family members may not ride skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, roller skates, or bicycles, on campus at any time.​

