Safety of our students is a priority at St. Bernardine of Siena School.  Safe drop off and pick up procedures are critical for keeping students from injury or abduction.  



  • Students are to be dropped off no earlier than 7:30am.
  • Students with a morning meeting may arrive early for the meeting. They must check in at the office.
  • The Calvert Street entrance should not be used after 7:30am.  Entrance will be on Valley Circle only after this time.
  • To prevent accidents, vehicles may make a right turn only from Valley Circle into the playground.  Please plan your route ahead of time so that you are in the right lane to enter the school grounds. No left turns are permitted from Valley Circle Blvd.  Into the playground.
  • Follow the cones that will direct your car through the car line.  Students will exit the car in the designated area. In order to keep things moving, please have students ready to exit the car with backpacks in hand and good-bye kisses given ahead of time.  Pull forward as far as possible.
  • Parent volunteers will be on the car line to assist your children as they exit the car.
  • Cars will travel north across the property and exit on Calvert. Exit on Calvert is a left turn only.
  • If you need to park to come into the school, please park in the designated parking area near the volleyball courts.  There will be limited parking near the church or parish hall before or after school.
  • All pedestrians coming from cars must cross at the crosswalk located south of Building 2.  A crossing guard will be located at the crosswalk to ensure your safety.
  • Families that park their cars may exit in the passing lane until the car line is finished at 7:50am.  There is no entry into the car line from the parking area.
  • The parking area on the volleyball court must be clear by 8am so that PE classes may begin.  Those staying later than 8am should move their cars to the parking areas near the parish center.



To ensure the safety of all students at the end of the day, parents must pick up students either as they drive through the care line directly or by walking up to the class lines to check out the child with the teacher.  Only the parents themselves or those named in writing with permission by the parent make pick up students. This ensures that each child is accounted for at the end of the day.  If parents want their child(ren) to either ride a bike or walk home, they must fill out the "Permission to Walk Home" form in the Office.  Day Care students will be escorted to Day Care by school staff at the end of the school day.  

Please remember that teachers are on supervision duty in the carline and cannot engage in conversation with parents or carry out school business in the carline.  They will be happy to address any needs at 3pm when the carline is finished.  ​

  • The school gate will open at 2:30 p.m. to permit entrance for the carline.
  • All cars are to enter through the Valley Circle Blvd. entrance.  The Calvert entrance will be open until 2:30pm.  If you would like to park near the parish hall you must arrive early. Please do not enter through the exit on Calvert Street when arriving early to park.
  • If you park on the west side of the parish hall, you must stay parked in this area until the carline is finished.  The carline has the right-of-way and no cars may enter from that area.  We highly recommend that you do not park in this area.
  • To prevent accidents, vehicles may make a right turn only from Valley Circle into the playground.  Please plan your route ahead of time so that you are in the right lane to enter the school grounds.
  • Each family is to display the family name sign provided by the school on the dashboard on the passenger side of the car.  This will assist school personnel in loading cars quickly.
  • Students will be dismissed from classrooms at 2:45 pm and will proceed to the car line.   You will have a better chance of moving quickly through the car line if you arrive at 2:50pm or later.
  • The car line will follow the same route as in the morning car line.
  • Please pull up as far as possible when loading.
  • Students will be lined up on the playground in a loading area.  They will be encouraged to take all items with them as they enter the car.  Loading trunks and backs of vans delays the cars behind you.
  • For safety purposes, students may not load cars from the driver's side as we do have a passing lane located on that side of the carline.
  • Teachers will assist in loading students into cars.  Please be aware that if your child is permitted to ride home in a vehicle other than yours, you must have signed, written permission on file in the school office.  No verbal permissions will be accepted.
  • If your child is not ready, you will need to exit and circle around back onto Valley Circle Blvd. and re-enter the car line.  
  • If you need to park to come into the school, please park in the designated parking area near the volleyball courts or near the parish hall.
  • All pedestrians coming to and from cars must cross at the crosswalk located south of Building 2.  
  • Those parking on the street and walking the property on Calvert Street must enter and exit between the parish office and rectory (the entrance area to our property).  No pedestrians should walk along the exit lane of the carline.
  • Parents must check their child out with the teacher before departing on foot.
  • Students may not leave school grounds without an adult. We will have a staff member at the pedestrian gate to supervise the area.
  • Entrance to the parking lot via Calvert closes at 2:30pm.
  • The security gate will close after car line in order to secure day care.



  • The main goal of these procedures is to keep children and adults safe and clear from moving cars. There is only one place to cross the car line on foot. That is at the crosswalk located south of building 2.
  • Parents visiting the school or attending Mass may park near the parish hall after the car line is finished at 7:50am.  
  • The security gate will close after morning car line.
  • On rainy days or designated heat days the car line will be redirected to move directly in front of the school both in the morning and in the afternoon.  Students will be called from the classrooms to enter their cars and the process will take longer.​

