St. Catherine of Siena school is committed to achieving academic excellence. As a part of our school community, students agree to abide by the rules and regulations regarding academic dishonesty.

Any work submitted by a student is expected to be:
  1. A reflection of his/her own unique ideas
  2. Written in their own words with their own unique voice as an author.
  3. Include references, when appropriate, to sources used in their work.
  4. Completed independently, unless otherwise stated by the teacher.​

Students that fail to meet these expectations are considered to be in violation of our Academic Dishonesty Policy. Violations include cheating on an assessment or plagiarizing another person's work.

If a student is found in violation of our Academic Dishonesty Policy, the following consequences will be considered:
  • Receiving a "0" or failing grade on the assignment.
  • Mandatory completion of the assignment and/or an alternate assignment which will not receive a score.
  • Conduct Referral completed and sent home to parents.
  • Phone call or message sent to parents. 
  • Conference held with teacher, principal, student and/or parents.
  • If the behavior persists or is significant in nature, more severe consequences such as suspension and expulsion may be considered

Final authority over any disciplinary action belongs to the Principal.

