Principals and teachers are responsible for checking the regular attendance of all students. Every absence must be recorded on the attendance register and record. Elementary schools record absences in the school-wide platform Gradelink
If a child is absent from school, parents must call the school office prior to 8:30 a.m. each day of the absence. When a child returns to school from an absence, he or she must bring a written note from a parent listing the dates of the absence and explaining the reason for the absence. This note must be given to the classroom teacher when a child returns to school.
In cases of communicable diseases a note from a doctor is mandatory. All notes are kept on file for one year. A child should not be absent more than 10 days in a school year. Excessive absences (20) in a school year may result in retention or mandatory summer school. If a child is late or absent part of the school day for medical or dental appointments, the child must bring a note from the doctor/dentist, however, the child is still marked tardy or absent.