Skip Navigation LinksSt. Cyril of Jerusalem > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-07-Safety and Security Procedures

​​​​​Emergency Preparedness and Procedures/Disaster Response

In the event of a major disaster St. Cyril of Jerusalem School has specific assignments and procedures in place to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff. There is adequate food, water and medical supplies to care for students up to 72 hours. The faculty and staff are trained in CPR and first aid procedures on a regular basis and they will stay with your children until each one is picked up. Students will only be released to a parent or designated contact after that person has first checked out each student with the teacher, secretary or principal. Another parent/person can pick up your child if that parent/person is on your family’s contact list or he/she has a note in hand from you granting permission to the school to release your child to that person. We follow the response of the Los Angeles Unified School District regarding any school closure and general safety drills are conducted on a regular basis.

General Safety Drills

Fire Drill
All students leave the building quickly and quietly at the sound of the hand or electric bell. The last one out of the room should close the door. Teachers have attendance registers in hand and the names of those absent that day attached to the cover of the register.

Earthquake Drill
All students “drop, cover, and hold” as soon as the announcement is made or as the earthquake is felt. Then wait for directions over the Public Announcement System and/or the sound of the electric bell or handbell to leave the building.

Evacuation Drill
All students leave the building and wait for directions. If dismissal is warranted, the administrator or secretary will contact the parents through the use of Gradelink.

Lock Down
In the event that a lockdown is warranted, the predetermined code message will be given to all staff. Students and teachers will remain inside of locked doors until notified that it is safe.

Safe Place
In the event it is necessary to get the children to a safe and secure place, the teachers will be notified when and where to take them. The children will remain in the secure area until it is safe to leave. The children will be released to their parents from the secure site.

School Emergency/Earthquake Preparedness and Procedures

We believe that advance planning, regular practice, and calm behavior can limit the impact of disaster. Therefore, no heavy objects are kept on high shelves unless secured behind a ledge or latched door. Tall or top heavy shelving, bookcases, aquariums, etc. are secured to the wall. Specific staff members are responsible for knowing the location of and how to shut off utility devices. We are prepared in the event that utilities are temporarily lost. Students participate in regular drills so that they are aware of necessary safety precautions and procedures. Parental choices regarding the release of a student from school are with the Emergency packet in each room. Faculty and staff are trained in CPR and First Aid on a regular basis.

In the Event of an Earthquake or Disaster

  • ​​If students are indoors, they will remain indoors. All persons will DROP and take cover under desks, tables or other protective cover and hang onto the legs. If outside, the students will follow the directions of the staff and drop and get away from hazards when possible.
  • When the quake or emergency is over, students will evacuate the building under adult supervision and walk to a designated open area.
  • Attendance of students and staff will be taken and First Aid administered by qualified trained staff as needed.
  • Students will be supervised at all times and grouped with their siblings at the earliest opportunity with the exception of Preschool & Pre-K. The  Preschool & Pre-K will stay together as a class.
  • If warranted, administration or its designee will contact local emergency services such as fire department for urgent medical aid, rescue of trapped persons and/or transportation of injured.
  • Designated staff will check utilities. If water, electricity or gas lines show any evidence of leaking, they will be shut off at the main valves. Utility companies or district offices will be notified of any suspected breaks that may present an additional hazard.
  • The emergency broadcast system will be monitored.
  • The principal will make the decision as to whether or not the buildings are safe. If they are deemed untenable, students may be dismissed to go home as local conditions permit (no flooding, fires, or downed electrical lines).
  • In the event of evacuation, parents and their designated contacts will be contacted through Gradelink.
  • In the absence of communication or timely instructions from the Department of Catholic Schools, each principal is authorized and directed to implement these plans or to take such actions as may be necessary in his/her judgment to minimize injuries and save lives.

Dismissal Procedures in the Event of an Emergency/Disaster

  • Emergency personnel will determine the location where studens can be picked up. All other gates will be locked and the school office will be closed.
  • All Preschool & Pre-K students will be with their older siblings for pick up
  • Kindergarten through 8th Students will gather with the youngest sibling’s class as a family group (with the exception of Pre-K, see point above).
  • Students will only be released only to a parent or designated contact listed on your family Emergency Card. Another parent or person may pick up your child only if person has a note in hand from you granting the school permission to release your child to that person.
  • Parents or authorized parties must check the children out with the appropriate school staff.
  • After an authorized adult signs your Family Emergency Card, you are authorized to take your child off campus.
  • No parent, friend or relative will be allowed to take a child off campus if they are not on the Emergency list

