Skip Navigation LinksSt. Mel > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-16-School Governance > topic-2-16-5-Parent or Parent-Teacher Organizations

Parent-Teacher Organization

The main functions of a parent or parent-teacher teacher organization are to raise funds for the school’s current operational expenses, to promote parental support for the school program, and to increase mutual understanding between school and parents. The membership of the parent teacher organization shall include the pastor, the principal, the parents or legal guardians, and the faculty of the school, where applicable.  Financial operation of a parent or parent-teacher organization shall be governed by the regulations for financial operations as found in the parent or parent-teacher organization bylaws.


The President shall:

  • Serve as a liaison between the PTO, the pastor and the principal.
  • Meet on a monthly basis with the principal to discuss upcoming events, school/parish news and items for the monthly PTO meeting.
  • Preside at all regular and special meetings of the PTO Executive Committee, PTO meetings and when available, VSC meetings.  Create agenda and lead the PTO meeting.
  • Appoint all committee chairpersons and PTO board members with the approval of the principal and pastor. Organize ways to recognize and thank volunteers (PTO, event chairs, etc.) and graduating 8th grade parents with the assistance of the Volunteer Services Committee.
  • Provide necessary support to all event and committee chairs. Preside at planning meetings as needed or appoint board members to be the "point person" for the event.
  • Coordinate or delegate coordination of New Parent Meeting and Open House per principal's approval.

The Vice President shall:

  • Preside in the absence of the president.
  • Chair ad hoc committees as requested by the president.
  • Perform the duties of the president when the president is unable to do so.
  • Assist with New Parent Meeting and Open House per Principal's approval.
  • Assist the Treasurer with all fund collections (Christmas, end of year, Shutterfly book, etc.

The Secretary shall:

  • Records the minutes of the PTO Executive Committee and general meetings.
  • Provide copies of minutes for all meetings after consultation with the president and principal.
  • Maintain a permanent record of all minutes and resolutions. Collect agendas and minutes in a binder to present to any new committee members at the end of the year.
  • Forward a copy of all minutes to the PTO president and principal.
  • Keep a record of all incoming and outgoing mail.
  • Respond to all social and business correspondence.
  • Report the previous month's activity to the PTO Executive Committee.
  • Assist with New Parent Meeting and Open House per principal's approval.

The Treasurer shall:

  • Handles the solicitation, collection, request for checks and dispersion of the General Fund collection for non-classroom affiliated teachers, administration and school staff.
  • Meet with the principal to discuss the breakdown of the General Fund collection that has been collected.
  • Answer any questions regarding General Fund Collection.
  • Keep a record of all PTO expenses for the school year, available upon request
  • Assist with Open House per principal's approval.


  • Parish Service Committee
  • Volunteer Services Committee

Parish Services Committee shall:

  • Serve as a liaison between the church and the school and the PTO.
  • Spreads school news to the parish community through the bulletin.
  • Informs the school about all parish related events such as church functions, parish ministries and opportunities to serve.

Volunteer Services Committee shall:

  • Serve as liaison between the room coordinators and the PTO, principal, committee chairs and pastor. Serves as the direct contact for all room coordinators.
  • Prepare agenda for and hold regular monthly room coordinator/room parent meetings.
  • Communicate any necessary information via email to all coordinators per the principal, president, teachers or front office.
  • Administer nomination process for PTO, room coordinators, room parents and event chairs.
  • Select room coordinators, room parents, and event chairs per the principal and president approval.
  • Spearhead needed conflict resolution between room coordinators, room parents, teachers and parents with assistance of the president and principal.
  • Assist president and principal with the Room Coordinator/ Teacher Workshop.

