
SFDS Technology and Digital Device Policies

Electronic Devices at SFDS

Students are discouraged from bringing cell phones to school. The following electronic devices are not allowed: apple watches, smart watches with the ability to call, text, play games, personal iPads, and e-readers​. ​ Parents are asked NOT to call their children's cell phones at school. (The school office is open from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.) If a students brings a cell phone to school every classroom will have a phone pouch in the closet so all students can turn in their phones and have them protected and locked in the closet for the day. The teacher will unlock the closet in the morning and afternoon so students can turn in and collect their phones. Phones will not be allowed on any student at any point while they are entrusted to the SFDS faculty. This includes school days, car lines, after school care, field trips, sporting events etc. If they need to have a phone it should be off, in a backpack, and out of sight at all times. If they need to make a phone call they may use the office or after school care phone. If a child is using or has a phone/electronic device on them the following consequences will be enforced:

1st time – The phone/electronic device will be taken for the day. The child will read through and sign the guidelines for electronic use form and receive a Blue Slip Discipline Warning.

2nd time—The phone/electronic device will be taken away and a detention will be issued.

3rd time—The phone/electronic device will be taken away and student will no longer be allowed to have a phone/electronic device with them on campus at any time for the rest of the school year.

Depending on the circumstances, the student may immediately be denied the right to bring the device to school. Repeat or serious violations of the policy will result in disciplinary measures appropriate to the circumstances, including expulsion if warranted.

The school is NOT responsible for lost, misplaced, stolen broken portable communications devices or for any unauthorized use of such devices. The school will NOT pay to replace devices that are lost, misplaced or stolen after they are confiscated and will NOT pay for any communications charges.

 Guidelines for Use of Electronic Communication Systems & Devices at SFDS

Effective performance of computer and telecommunications networks, whether local or global, relies upon end users adhering to established standards of proper conduct. In general, this requires efficient, ethical and legal utilization of network resources. Use of all school technology items and systems must be consistent with the educational objectives and mission of Saint Francis de Sales School.

Each student and parent or guardian shall sign the Acceptance of Handbook/ Parent/Student Policies Agreement Form before gaining access to St. Francis de Sales network system. Any student who fails to comply with the terms or this policy or the regulations developed by SFDS may lose system privileges. Students may also be subject to disciplinary measures including appropriate legal action for violation of this policy or implementing regulations.

All parents are required to read the St. Francis de Sales School Electronic Use Policies and explain these policies to their children.

Digital Citizenship at SFDS

St. Francis de Sales students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior with the use of computer based electronic technology. Students must abide by the same values, principles, rules, and guidelines set forth by the school, teachers, and administration when using such technologies.

Examples of various forms of misuse and abuse of computer based electronic technologies include but are not limited to: using Web sites, social media, on-line chat, instant messaging, and text messaging to intimidate, bully, threaten, harass, or gossip about others, plagiarizing information using the Internet, using cellular phones and text messaging during class time, posting or appearing in inappropriate material on video or social networking sites, falsely impersonating a digital identity, and portraying behaviors contrary to the Catholic values and beliefs of St. Francis de Sales School and the Archdiocese Guidelines for Use of Electronic Systems and Devices agreement policy. Any such misuse or abuse of computer based electronic technologies is at the discretion of SFDS and is subject to disciplinary action.

Agreement to Follow the Rules for Access to Saint Francis de Sales Network

Access to the St. Francis de Sales School network computer, technology devices and Internet is a privilege that is subject to following these rules:

  1. Technology Privacy: The computer and other technology devices are tools for schoolwork. Each student has his/her account and/or logins on the network and is assigned storage areas. These accounts and folders are only for my assigned usage. I will not trespass within other students' accounts or folders. I understand that the instructor may view my digital schoolwork and school communications at any time.
  2. Online Privacy: To protect my identity, personal information such as my last name, address, telephone number, school name, cell phone number, screen name, and password is never to be given out.
  3. Legal Issues: I am aware that vandalism of equipment will not be tolerated. I will not install or download anything found on the Internet, including software, MP3 files, pictures, etc. without direct permission from the instructor. I also understand that installation of certain files can damage the computer and may be considered vandalism.
  4. Copyright and Plagiarism: I will cite all my resources with proper research format for all text and other research items used including pictures, MP3 files, videos, etc. I will respect copyright laws.
  5.  Inappropriate Materials or Language: The use of profanity, offensive, or sexually explicit material and/or language shall not be used to communicate online. I understand that I shall not view, send, or access materials that do not comply with the School's standards. This includes, but is not limited to materials I wouldn't show to my parents, teacher, or law enforcement. If suggestive, harassing, demeaning or belligerent communication is encountered, I will bring it to the instructor's attention immediately. I will never respond to such messages.
  6. Safety Issues: I will not use the computers or any other technology device to participate in cyber bullying. If I come across any communications that are inappropriate, I will notify my instructor immediately. If I become aware of any student participating in cyber bullying I will notify my instructor and/or administrator. If I come across anything (picture, ad, website, etc.) on the Internet that is inappropriate then I will let the instructor know so corrective action can be taken.
  7. Social Media and Other Technologies: I understand SFDS does not support or approve of the use of social media under the age-required limits set by the social media terms of service. Facebook and other social media sites are not a school function. As the primary educators of their children, it is the parents' responsibility to monitor social media and its correct use. Social media should be aligned with and reflect Catholic values in content created and posted by the individual user..

Should an issue regarding posts, comments, or other social media interactions be brought to the school's attention, the school may exercise its right to administer disciplinary action for those involved.

Limitation of Liability

SFDS makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the service provided.SFDS will not be responsible for any damages suffered while on the network and the Internet. These damages may include loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors or omissions. SFDS specifically dennies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet services. Further,SFDS is not responsible for any unauthorized charge or fee resulting from use of the school's technology system.

Mobile Device Acceptable Use Agreement

St. Francis de Sales School is committed to preparing our students to be 21st Century Learners. As part of our curricular program and goals, we are pleased to implement mobile carts equipped with Apple iPads for our student use. Technological resources are provided to support the educational experience and mission of the school. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to use the equipment, St. Francis de Sales has developed the following Acceptable Use Agreement, designed to protect school equipment.

Please read the following and indicate with your signature below both your student's and your intent to comply with the rules and procedures:

  1. Each iPad is numbered; students will be assigned specific equipment and may only use the equipment which is assigned to them
  2. As soon as students are instructed to get an iPad from the cart, they are to inspect the iPad for any obvious damage.
  3. If a student discovered damage, he/she is to report it immediately to the teacher before instruction begins.
  4. If a student fails to report the damage before instruction begins, that student will be held responsible for any damages beyond normal wear and tear, so it is essential to report damage immediately. Failure to notice damage will not exempt a student from responsibility.
  5. Students are not to misuse St. Francis de Sales equipment including:
  • Knowingly running or installing a program intended to damage an iPad.
  • Attempting to gain access to portions of the iPad restricted to that student.
  • Attempting to change any part of the software or operating system.
  • Using the computer in violation of school policies.
  • Downloading any material deemed inappropriate onto any iPad.
  • Loading (by any means) any material deemed inappropriate onto any iPad.
  • Deliberately wasting iPad resources for activities not related to the learning activity.
  • Accessing the iPad during class at times not authorized by the class teacher.
  • Knowingly destroying other work on the network by gaining unauthorized access

Google Workspace for Education at St. Francis de Sales School

Google Workspace Education is a web based suite of programs provided by Google for schools to use. Google Workspace includes such programs as Google Classroom Google Drive, Google Calendar, Gmail and Google Sites. Google Workspace can be accessed from anywhere you have an Internet connection (school, home, smart phone, etc.) This reduces and replaces the need for flash drives and/or external data drives. Furthermore, since Google Workspace is all online, it is the same everywhere you use it. There is no issue with having one version of a program at home and a different version at school. Staff and students at St. Francis de Sales School will have access to Google Workspace through a secure account managed by SFDS.

Access to Google Workspace allows your child to:

  • Create a wide variety of products (documents, presentations, videos, etc.) to demonstrate their thinking and learning.
  • Easily share documents and files with teachers and other students so he/she can turn in assignments electronically, receive timely feedback and support, and collaborate on projects with classmates.

Google Classroom: Google classroom is a classroom content management system designed to digitize the workflow process of student assignments. Teachers can assign papers quizzes or any other assignment to students and collect the assignments in a digital format. Google Classroom also allows teachers to grade and return work in graded form to classroom students.