Each Tuesday, a digital Weekly Newsletter is emailed to all families. It contains a bulletin (with general school information, upcoming events, and after school activities) and school, Student Council and PTC flyers. All school flyers are distributed to families in the Weekly Newsletter and are also posted on Gradelink for review and downloading. Families are asked to refer to Gradelink for updated information and weekly bulletins.
It is critical that the contents of the Weekly Newsletter are reviewed by parents/guardians every Tuesday. Subsequent to a Monday holiday, the newsletter is sent home on Wednesday of the same week. At St. Euphrasia School, we are committed to helping reduce the environmental impact of copying in every way we can!
**Note that all school flyers must have the approval of the school principal prior to distribution to students or parents.​

At the beginning of the school year, Back to School Nights are scheduled for each grade. Parents and teachers meet together to learn about classroom procedures, and the teacher’s yearly expectations.
Parents can communicate with their child’s homeroom teacher using written, telephone or e- mail contact. Please note that a record of all correspondence is kept in the school office year to year. Teachers are required (by the school administration) to contact parents within a reasonable amount of time. This is defined as within 2 business days.
The official school year calendar (for elementary schools) is issued by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Department of Catholic Schools. The official calendar allocates days for pupil instruction and additional days of in service. The St. Euphrasia School administration and teaching staff then set the calendar to reflect the local school and parish activities. The revised calendar is sent to each school family during summer (for the upcoming school year). An updated yearly calendar is emailed to families on the first day of school. Yearly, monthly, and sports calendars can also be found on the school website.
Parent Teacher Conferences are formally held typically at the end of the first trimester of school (usually in December). During the year, conferences are strongly encouraged and may be initiated by either parent or teacher. To arrange a conference, please email the teacher or call the office and leave a message for the teacher.​

Students are not given access to the use of the school phone for personal/non-emergency use. The use of the school phone for students is granted on an emergency or “as needed” basis (i.e. to call home in the event of a rescheduled sports event). If it is necessary to bring an item to the school for a student, it should be brought to the Health Office. Students will only be called out of class if necessary (i.e., for medical appointments). Items delivered to the school will be delivered to the student at the appropriate time​
Teachers, counselors, and other school personnel must respect the verbal or written confidences of adults and students, except in cases where the health and safety of the student or others is involved.​​



