EFFORT/CONDUCT POLICYAt St. Euphrasia School, the discipline program includes all members of our school community (students, school administration and staff, and parents). The purpose of a well-disciplined school is to ensure the following:
- Provide classroom settings that are conducive to learning and to the principles of our Catholic faith without distraction.
- To educate students in the appreciation and importance of developing responsibility, self-discipline, and the ability to choose right from wrong.
- To build a sense of Christian community in a safe and caring environment supported by all members of the school community.
- Reinforce and emphasize the fulfillment of the school mission and SLE’s.
Teachers establish basic classroom discipline procedures that are necessary for self- discipline. These basic classroom rules are geared to the age level of their students. Students are expected to follow classroom and school rules at all times. Positive reinforcement and recognition is the reward for doing so. Teachers also establish a hierarchy of consequences to remind students of expected behavior. All classroom consequences conform to school wide discipline standards that are based upon our Student Learning Expectations (SLE’s). All students are expected to be academic and responsible learners who strive to make a difference in our world.
There are times when the teacher may need to notify parents/guardians that a student has not responded to the discipline rules, after repeated reminders and warnings. The teacher may then give the student an Office Referral. When this is done, the principal or vice-principal will conference with the student. In most cases, the student is sent to the Vice Principal/Principal for a conference. The Referral is kept track of electronically through the Gradelink system and the Vice Principal is the keeper of these records. Classroom, Playground, Uniform and Office Referrals are issued for repeated disregard of classroom rules and school policies. All referrals are sent home for parent signature.
Students who receive an Office Referral are ineligible to participate in after school activities, including sports, Incredibots (robotics), AJHD (decathlon), and Student Council activities. Consequences for an Office Referral may also result in an after school detention consequence and a possible behavioral contract of expectations drawn up between the student and school. The Vice-Principal supervises referral procedures and detention. When lack of improvement on the part of the student is evident, it becomes necessary for the principal/vice-principal to request a conference with the parent, the teacher, and the student present.
Students are issued a behavior grade each trimester that reflects their adherence to our student learning expectations and the school/classroom discipline rules. The behavior grade counts towards a student’s honor roll status. Students who receive a referral slip do not receive points for that day, and this loss of points is averaged into the points necessary to receive an exemplary behavior grade each trimester. Students who receive an Office Referral are ineligible for honor roll recognition for the current trimester and are also ineligible for extra-curricular school activities for the subsequent trimester (Student Council, after school sports, etc.).
In order to maintain a safe and healthy atmosphere on the playground at all times, students must exercise self-control. Yard Duty Supervisors and teachers are here to assist and must be treated with respect at all times. Students are to:
- Play in grade level and designated areas.
- Follow all directions given by yard duty personnel, including parent volunteers.
- Use only playground authorized equipment.
- Play games that are safe and approved by the school.
- Walk to and from all lunch, restroom and playground areas for the safety of everyone. Students may not run in the hallways or around the bathroom areas/school and parish buildings.
- Eat quietly in the lunch areas, and remain seated until dismissed by the Yard.
- Stay within fenced area of school grounds.
- If a ball leaves the playground, tell the adult on yard duty.
- Rough play is never allowed.
- No Dodge Ball allowed.
- Eat snacks and lunch in assigned areas and remain seated until you are dismissed by the adult on yard duty.
- Clean tables and trash pick-up are everyone’s responsibility.
- Proper language is expected at all times.
- Respect all persons and their personal property.
- Walk in line to get your hot lunch.
- Stop playing when the bell rings.
- Lunch pails must never be swung nor thrown.
- Do not play, socialize nor yell in the bathrooms.
- Students must line up on time at the end of recess and lunch.
- Students may not leave yard area without permission from yard supervisors.
- No cell phones may be taken out on the yard - automatic detention given.
St. Euphrasia School strives to teach our students to “love and serve like Jesus” at all times. Classes who exhibit exemplary kindness and respect for others on the playground can earn “Peaceful Playground” recognition weekly. The following are the agreements to earn the weekly recognition:
- Remember to think about What Would Jesus Do and to Love One Another. Being kind and respectful to others is a sign of a good friend and buddy.
- Remember to share your classroom equipment with everyone in your class.
- Remember to resolve your conflicts without argument and with respect for all sides.
- Remember to walk to and from your class when the bell rings and when you are putting your lunches away.
- Remember to walk in the halls.
- Take care of our earth and clean up after yourself.
The following consequences will be implemented when a student requires reminders of acceptable playground behavior:
- Students are first issued a verbal warning by supervisory personnel on the yard.
- The student may then be asked to sit on a designated bench where he/she can be closely supervised by adult personnel.
- Continued disregard, defiance, or disrespect of school rules will then result in a student being sent to the office or given a referral.
- An Office Referral for behavior that impedes the safety and security of others is considered for serious violations of school rules and persistent disrespect of specified SLE’s.
Skateboards, roller blades, and skates are not allowed at school at any time. Students who bring these items to school will be referred to the office, and the items will be held in the school office (by the principal) until a parent conference can be set up. The use of these recreational items can also damage school property (benches used as “ramps,” etc.). Students who engage in this type of activity will be subject to immediate suspension.
Students are expected to put forth by participating in class, doing assigned classwork and homework, paying attention, etc. based on their age and ability. They also are expected to reflect Christian principles in their behavior (respect, kindness, obedience, proper language, etc.) At the end of each interim progress period, we evaluate the students in the light of their effort and conduct. Any student with unsatisfactory conduct will be placed on probation for the following interim progress period. If the student with unsatisfactory conduct does not improve during probation, he/she may be asked to leave St. Euphrasia School. Similarly, any student with poor effort (Unsatisfactory) will be on probation the following interim progress period. Any student who does not improve in effort after two progress periods will be reviewed by his/her teachers and the principal, and recommendations will be made. Students who receive an academic grade of D or Unsatisfactory in effort and/or conduct will be on probation.
Conduct in the use of electronic media and in cyberspace has a real-world impact which can greatly affect our school’s ability to nurture, educate, and support our students and families. The school’s rule and conduct policies, and those of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (particularly “Sec. 1.1. - Code of Christian Conduct Covering Students, Parents, Guardians and Other Responsible Adults” of the Archdiocesan Policies and Procedures), will apply to the use of all electronic media, social websites, and internet usage. Students and parents are expected
to conduct themselves according to the basic Christian principles of charity and love of neighbor when using electronic technological resources. Postings and content on such resources by students and parents must meet school conduct expectations.
The school may withhold from parents/guardians the grades, diploma, or transcripts of a pupil pending payment of certain amounts for damaged property, or the return of loaned property, in accordance with school policy.