Consultative School Board

Saint Mary School is blessed to have a Parent-Teacher Organization and a Consultative School Board.

If the school has a parent, parent-teacher organization, and/or a consultative school board, those involved are advised that these bodies exist to support the school and are important for the school's viability, but they have very different functions. These organizations are advisory in nature and have no legal status apart from the school and therefore may not be separately incorporated. Parent, parent-teacher organizations, consultative school boards, and their members do not have any authority to act independently on behalf of the school or parish. They are not "agents" of the school or parish and any actions taken must receive the official written approval of the pastor and/or the principal as the case may be. They must function in accordance with a written constitution and bylaws that comply with all current provisions of Archdiocesan policy that govern the structure and operation of such an organization.

The general responsibilities of the Consultative School Board are in the following areas:  

  • Strategic planning; 
  • Policy development; 
  • Technology planning; 
  • Alumni relations; 
  • Resource development and institutional advancement; 
  • Public relations; 
  • Advice and counsel with regard to financial planning, management, and reporting; 
  • Marketing; and 
  • Evaluation of the board's goals and activities.

The membership of the Consultative School Board should include the pastor, principal, parents/guardians (no more than one-third of the total membership), alumni parents, parishioners, members of the civic and local business community, and area educators.  The School Board is advisory in nature and cannot make decisions binding for the parish education program without the approval of the administrative team.​

The regional supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools is available to assist and guide schools in the implementation of a consultative school board.


