​​School-to-Home Communication*

The school website, school mobile application, and the e-blast system are the main methods of communication between home and school.  The website and mobile app contain an updated events calendar, the lunch menu, and all important communications to keep you updated on school activities. Teachers also communicate weekly with parents/guardians via weekly newsletters (lower grades), written notes, class dojo, SeeSaw, and/or class messenger.  Students are given Homework Planners as a way to inform parents/guardians of assignments.  Planners help parents/guardians and teachers to communicate regarding daily behavior or work.  Parents/guardians are encouraged to routinely visit the school website or mobile app  (www.stmaryspalmdale.org) to get the most current information about school events.

Communication with teachers and administration*

The Principal and teachers are available to conference with parents/guardians. An appointment is scheduled through the school office or with the individual teacher.

Parents/guardians are not to conference with teachers:

  • During Morning Assembly
  • During times when the teacher is scheduled to teach or assist on the playground
  • During afternoon dismissal
​Parents/guardians are to conference first with the student's teacher when a need or concern arises. If the concern needs further discussion, an appointment is made with the principal. 

Written Notes*
Written notes signed by parents/guardians are required for the following:
  1. Absence and/or tardiness
  2. Failure to comply with any aspect of the school uniform regulations
  3. Incomplete or missing work due to illness (indicate when work will be completed)
  4. Requests to be released from school for dental, medical appointments, or other urgent reasons

Parent/Student Complaint Review Process

Concern for the dignity and rights of each person is intrinsic to the Church's mission as a true witness to the spirit of the Gospel.

Conflicts may occur among students, parents/guardians, and school staff, and all parties are encouraged to use every available means to resolve these conflicts when they occur. However, if the involved parties are unable to resolve their conflicts, families may use the complaint review process for additional assistance. All those participating in the complaint review process are responsible for striving toward reconciliation and acting in good faith. Legal representation is not permitted at any meeting or mediation of the complaint review process. Any person filing a complaint is to be free from restraint, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in any form.

Addressing Complaints at the Local Level: Schools

  • The person bringing the complaint is encouraged to try to resolve the complaint by discussing it with the people who are directly involved at the school.
  • If the complaint is not resolved, the person bringing the complaint should discuss it with the principal (or the pastor, if the principal is the subject of the complaint).
  • For elementary schools, if the principal is unable to resolve the conflict, the principal will bring the pastor into the process as appropriate.
  • After reviewing the facts and facilitating a discussion of the problem, the principal or pastor will respond to the person bringing the complaint. 

Escalating Complaints to the Central Level: Department of Catholic Schools

  • If the complaint is not resolved at the local level, the complaint may be submitted in writing to the assistant superintendent at the Department of Catholic Schools, outlining the concerns and reviewing the local process.
  • The assistant superintendent will review the complaint (with such consultation as may be appropriate) in a timely fashion and will endeavor to mediate and resolve the matter.
  • However, if the parties cannot reach an agreement, the assistant superintendent will apply the policies and/or regulations of the archdiocese and school to make a final and binding determination, and then communicate that determination in writing to all parties.​

