Service Hours*
Parents/guardians agree to complete 30 service hours a year, 5 hours of work in the Cafeteria, and 5 hours of work during our Autumn Festival (total of 40 hours per year). Any service hours not completed will be charged at the rate of $20.00 per service hour. A maximum of 20 service hours may be earned through approved Church related activities. It is the responsibility of the parent to submit Service Hour Coupons for services completed. Parents/guardians may buy-out the service hours. Service hour coupons are to be submitted within 30 days of completion of the service. Families who make in-kind donations are required to attach receipts to the service hour coupon before service can be applied. At the end of the year, families will be billed $10.00 for each service hour not completed. Parents/guardians will receive one service hour for attending General PTO meetings and Open House. Parents/guardians are permitted to have family members assist with the completion of service hours.
The tuition and fees charged do not cover the entire operating expenses of the school. In an effort to keep costs at a minimum and allow all Catholic children access to a Catholic education, fundraisers are necessary for the successful management of the school, and all parents/guardians are required to participate in the following fundraisers.
SCRIP Program – The SCRIP Program raises needed funds for the school. Vendors provide a percentage of purchased SCRIP cards for routine family necessities (such as gas, groceries, household supplies, and clothing) to the school. All families are required to participate in the SCRIP Program. The remaining balance not met at the end of each trimester will be doubled (please see family contract).
For more information, please visit our website (What to Expect as a Parent section).