Learning Environment

In order to maintain a focused, orderly, and safe environment in the classroom, students are:

  1. To keep the contents of the student desk neat, clean and orderly.
  2. To pick up papers which have fallen to the floor.
  3. To keep book shelves in order.
  4. To put away books and supplies and clean the surface of the desk before leaving the room (with the exception of a Fire Drill).
  5. To push chairs under the desk before leaving the room.
  6. To hang clothes in the proper area.
  7. To keep aisles clear.
  8. To put backpacks in the area designated by the teacher.
  9. To keep textbooks neatly covered at all times.
  10. Not to eat or have food in the classroom during class time including candy and snacks.
  11. Not to drink or have juice or soda during class time.
  12. Not to chew gum.

In hot weather, students may keep a water bottle with water in a place designated by the teacher.

Students will be required to replace textbooks and/or iPads that are lost or damaged.

In order to maintain an orderly, clean, and sanitary environment outside of the classroom students are:

  1. To put clothing neatly on the benches in front of the classroom after lunch.
  2. To put lunch containers neatly on the benches in front of the classroom after lunch.
  3. To throw garbage in trash cans only.
  4. To put aluminum cans and recyclable plastic bottles in recycle bins.
  5. Not to chew gum.


Saint Mary School promotes the importance of citizenship, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness and compassion through the Character Counts program.  Students earn Character Counts Coupons for positive actions that demonstrate the behavioral expectations of Saint Mary School.  Students have the following options for redeeming coupons:

  • Save 15 coupons for Free Dress
  • Save 20 coupons for Sub Way lunch with a friend
​Students can also earn behavior and attendance awards, earn the privilege of field trips, and participate in extracurricular activities as a result of embodying the Character Counts program traits through words and actions.

Maintenance of Effective Discipline

Teachers and school staff are required to hold students to strict account for their conduct in the classroom, in school buildings, on school and church grounds, during recess, or at any school event regardless of location.  Teachers and staff may exercise the same degree of physical control over a student that a parent would be legally privileged to exercise, provided that does it not exceed the amount of physical control reasonably necessary to:

  • protect the health and safety of pupils and other persons
  • maintain order
  • protect property, or 
  • maintain proper and appropriate conditions conducive to learning

No teacher or staff member may inflict corporal punishment on a student.  However, corporal punishment does not include an amount of physical control or use of force that is reasonable and necessary to:

  • quell a disturbance that threatens physical injury to persons or damage to property
  • engage in self-defense, or
  • obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects within the control of the student.
  • All incidents of the use of physical control or use of force on a student must be documented promptly and provided to the person in charge. 


  1. No student shall be required to remain in the classroom during the lunch break, or during any recess. All students are required to leave the school rooms at recess and lunchtime, unless it would occasion a danger to health
  2. Detention before or after school hours is considered an appropriate means of discipline
  3. A student shall not be detained in school for disciplinary or other reasons for more than one hour after the close of the school day
  4. The school must give notice of the detention to the parents/guardians verbally by phone, in writing (hard copy or electronic), or in person during a conference. Under no circumstances shall a student be detained at school without the knowledge and consent of the parents/guardians, who should also be informed of the reason for the detention and the exact time the period of detention will begin and end
  5. Students may be required to attend before-school detention or come to school on Saturday, for failure to observe school rules, disobedience, inappropriate behavior, disruptive behavior, failure to complete assignments, and any other causes determined by the teacher in consultation with the Principal and Dean of Discipline. Before school detention will last sixty minutes. Saturday school will be from 8:00AM to 12:00PM. Saturday detention will be for a period of two to four hours depending on the infraction.Parents/guardians will be given at least 24-hour notification of an assigned before-school detention or Saturday school detention. The notice must be signed and returned to the school the day following the incident or parents/guardians will be called at work/home. During detention, the student will complete a reflection form and do assigned work.*
  6. If the parents/guardians wish to discuss an assigned detention, please call the School Office and leave a message asking the teacher to contact you. It is inappropriate to interrupt detention sessions to discuss the infraction.*
  7. Students may not postpone a detention without written communication from a parent to the principal and must obtain approval from the principal in order to reschedule.  Detention takes precedence over extra-curricular activities, appointments, meetings, games, lessons, etc. In case of illness or unforeseen emergencies, parents/guardians must contact the school if the student will miss detention and provide a written note the following day. Students must make up the detention the following week. Please see the consequences for multiple detentions found below.*

​​​Conduct Demerit Slip

Students are given the typical reminders and behavioral warnings deemed appropriate for their age level.  However, some offenses and repeated offenses require the issuance of a demerit(s).  Demerit slips inform parents/guardians of the following infractions of a school rule or any repeated unacceptable behavior:

  • Rough Behavior on Playground (2 demerits)      
  • Defiance of School Authority (5 demerits)
  • Disruptive Class Behavior (2 demerits)                                                                          
  • Inappropriate Language (2 demerits)
  • Chewing Gum (3 demerits + $10 cleaning fine if gum is found on furniture, etc.)
  • Bathroom Misuse*(5 demerits)
  • Eating Food in Class (3 demerits)
  • Missing assignments (2 demerits)                                              
  • Damage to School Property (5 demerits)
  • Throwing Food/Objects (3 demerits)                 
  • Play Fighting (2 demerits)
  • Misuse of Cell Phones/Smartwatches/PersonalElectronic Devices in School (automatic Saturday detention + $75 fee)
  • Not following the uniform and/or hygiene/grooming policy (1 demerit)
  • Bullying/Threatening (4 demerits)
  • Plagiarism (5 demerits) zero credit for the assignment
  • Cheating (automatic in-school suspension or expulsion) both parties will be held accountable to the same degree.
  • Fighting (automatic in-school suspension or expulsion)

​*Bathroom Misuse includes but is not limited to misuse of bathroom supplies, littering in bathrooms, etc.

All suspensions make the student ineligible for honor roll per trimester.   In certain cases, the gravity of the situation may warrant an automatic detention, suspension or expulsion as in the case of bullying or threatening.  All incidents are evaluated accordingly. In such cases, the procedures indicated below will be followed.

Three or more missing assignments may result in demerits or detentions.   Depending on the grade level, students will receive a zero "0" or reduced grade for late or missing assignments per the teacher's discretion.

Consequences for multiple demerit slips and detentions:
  • Students earning a total of five (5) demerits in one trimester will receive a Before School Detention. 
  • Students earning a total of two (2) detentions in one trimester will receive a Saturday School Detention.
  • Students earning a total of three (3) detentions in one trimester will receive an in-house suspension.
  • Demerits and detentions expire every trimester.

Procedures when demerits and detentions are issued:

  • The teacher or principal will discuss the situation with the student.
  • The demerit slip or detention form will be sent home with the student.
    • It must be signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s) and returned on the next school day to the person who issued it.
    • Parents/guardians will be notified if the slip/form was not received the following day.
    • Parents/guardians will be informed of the infraction, and are required to comply with any procedures suggested by the teacher/principal, sign the slip/form, and return to the school. 
    • The parent signature does not indicate an admission of guilt but rather verification that the parents/guardians are aware of the demerit or detention.
    • Demerits are accumulated and detentions are given once students have a certain number of demerits. In some instances, detentions are given automatically.
    • Students must attend the detention on the assigned date.   

In-School Suspension

Students will be given an in-school suspension for behavior that seriously violates school policies but does not warrant a suspension from school or expulsion. The following procedure is followed:

    • Student is referred to the principal for a conference
    • Parents/guardians are notified by telephone and/or written notice of the in-school suspension
    • Student completes a reflection form
    • A written notice goes home with the student, is signed by the parents/guardians, and is returned the following day.​

​​The suspension and expulsion policy along with other disciplinary policies are continued in subsequent tabs. 

