St. Elizabeth is a Catholic school. The following are important components of the Religion program:
- Daily religious instruction
- Daily prayer
- Weekly attendance at Mass
- Seasonal prayer services
- Christian service program
- Participation in parish liturgies
- Sacramental program
- Family Life
- Social Justice activities 26
Parents are instrumental in faith development and are expected to participate in Sunday liturgy with their children, as well as promote prayer and Christian behavior.
Altar Servers
All boys and girls in Grades 4-8, who have been baptized and received their First Communion, have the privilege of being altar servers. They are trained by the parish. Students who have been trained and assigned to the Sunday Mass schedule must assume the responsibility of being on time for their assigned altar service. It is the students' responsibility to find a replacement if they are unable to serve at their assigned time. Students must always be neatly groomed when serving.
Students in first and second grade participate in sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Students must have two years of religious education in order to receive these sacraments. If the student has never been enrolled in a religious education program, he/she must wait until their second year at St. Elizabeth to participate in these sacraments. Students who are in 3rd through 8th grade who have not received these sacraments must contact Dr. Cremer for sacramental preparation information.