The school office is open from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday and closes at 12:30 p.m. on Friday. Messages for faculty and staff may be left through our phone system or e-mail. Under normal circumstances, school personnel will respond to messages within 48 business hours. The principal has an “open door" policy to parents and students. When available, the principal will meet with a parent or student upon request. However, concerns (academic, behavior or social) must first be addressed with the teacher. For important or personal situations, please make an appointment to ensure time and focus.

Student Phone calls

  • ​Students may not be called down to  use the school phone unless it is an emergency.  Please leave a message at the office extension (551) and we will gladly pass it on during recess, lunch or after school. We will not interrupt a class unless it is necessary.
  • Students may call home for forgotten lunches
  • Students may NOT call home for forgotten homework 
Student Cell Phones
Cell phones are not allowed on campus without permission. If for individual safety reasons a student requires a cell phone, a request form must be 
submitted to the principal for approval, approval is not guaranteed. If approval is granted, cell phones must be submitted to the homeroom teacher immediately upon entering class and can only be collected when exiting campus. Cell phones may not be used by students while on campus at any time unless permitted by a staff member. Students may only use the office or Kids' Club phones on campus. Cell phones that are used on campus
without permission will be confiscated and returned only to the parent/guardian. Any student found with an unauthorized cell phone will have the phone confiscated and may receive disciplinary action. St. Elizabeth Parish School is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen cell phone on school property.


