Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
For safety and insurance reasons we ask that no student be dropped off at school before 7:40 AM. There is no yard supervision prior to this time or after 3:15 PM (12:45 PM Fridays). The only students who are allowed to stay after school are those who are participating in Holy Name of Mary's sports programs, Kids Club, or those who are requested to remain after class to see a teacher.
Siblings are not to wait at school while students participate in after-school activities.
Parents are asked to pick up children promptly at 3:00 PM (12:30 PM Fridays). Drivers are asked to follow the directions of the yard monitors while in the parking lot. There is NO drop off or pick up in front of the church or school. Students dropped off prior to 7:40 AM or not picked up by 3:15 PM (12:45 PM on Fridays) will be placed in the Extended Care Program, and parents will be charged.
Those students who walk to and from school must have a current permission slip on file each school year. Those students who ride their bicycles to school must have a current permission slip on file each school year. Bicycles are to be locked by the fence on the west side of the senior building.