Parent Service And Fundraising Requirements
Family Hours Program
It is necessary to request help from each school family to provide necessary funds and services to Holy Name of Mary School. This will be achieved through the Family Hours Program.
The purpose of the hours program is as follows:
- to evenly distribute the work load
- to promote family participation
- to promote school growth
- to create community
The number of hours required by each family shall be 25 from July to June of each new school year. Five (5) of those hours are required to be worked at the Festival. Single-parent families are required to complete 12 hours and 2.5 of those are required to be worked at the Festival. One hour of service will be given per family for each general PTG meeting attend.
Families will be charged $20 for each regular hour not served. Families will be charged $50 for each Festival hour not served.
Qualifying Activities
The activities and/or projects that qualify for the fulfillment of hours are:
Fundraisers Room Parent Parent-Teacher Guild Meetings Hot Lunch
Parent-Teacher Guild Officers Field Trips
Parish Festival SCRIP Worker
School Board Committee Member Library
Health Room Volunteer Yard Duty
Booster Club Officer HNM Scout Leader
Booster Club Meetings Social Events
Repairs/maintenance of school/grounds Sports Events
Religious Education Volunteer Aides
Qualifying Participants
Any person who is part of the family of a child in this school may participate in the Family Hours Program. This includes mothers, fathers, step-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, cousins, brothers, or sisters. All participants must be 18 years of age or older.
Record Keeping
Record keeping of hours shall be the duty of the Volunteer Hours Chairperson. The responsibility of reporting hours will be the responsibility of each family. Be sure to turn in your volunteer slips after each activity with the signature of the activity coordinator.
A contract (parent agreement) must be signed stating how the hours obligation will be fulfilled.
Weekly Communication
Every Thursday, the weekly bulletin and pertinent information are sent home electronically.