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St. Augustine Elementary School (SAS)
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topic-4-01-1-School Student Non-Discrimination Policy
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topic-4-01-2-Non-Discrimination Documentation
St. Augustine Elementary School (SAS)
section-4-01-School Student Non-Discrimination
topic-4-01-1-School Student Non-Discrimination Policy
Page Content
The Internal Revenue Service requires non-public schools to maintain a School Student Non-Discrimination Policy so those schools are recognized as tax exempt.
Archdiocesan schools must demonstrate this policy by annually publishing the School Student
Non-Discrimination Policy
For parish schools, the pastor should publish the School Student Non-Discrimination Policy in the parish bulletin. The school should retain a copy of this parish bulletin in the school file. The statement of non-discrimination also should be published each year in the staff handbook, parent/student handbook, and admissions materials. All schools should submit documentation of the published policy to the
Department of Catholic Schools
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