To preserve the academic environment and school security, archdiocesan and parish schools are designated as closed campuses. No person may enter the campus unless authorized by the school administration. Visitors must present themselves at the school office if they need information or have business to conduct with the school.
St. Augustine School is a closed campus from 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day. A student may be suspended for leaving the school grounds. Students involved in after school sports or activities may not leave the school grounds and return to the campus unless accompanied by their parent/guardian. No student is allowed to have visitors or friends on campus during school hours, except through a prior arrangement. No personal pets may be brought on campus.
In order to enter the school, visitors must press the buzzer at the security gate and will then be admitted. All visitors, including parents, who enter the school grounds must then report to the school office, sign in, and obtain permission to visit a classroom. While on campus, they must wear identification badges. Visitors must check out with the office staff before leaving the campus.
The school welcomes individual alumni who wish to visit or perform service. Alumni who stay for longer than 15 minutes should pre-arrange the visit with a staff or faculty member. Junior high and high school students who work or volunteer with children or youth at the school must sign the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Boundary Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Middle and High School Youth Working or Volunteering with Children or Youth. Once signed onto campus, minors must sign out if they leave before the end of day and may not come back to campus once they sign out.
Because of a student's special needs, a counselor or other professional specialist may need to come to campus. Documentation verifying their status and parent's approval should be submitted to the office. Visits may then be scheduled, with the principal's approval, in a manner that most benefits the student's learning time.
Parents may never go directly to a student's classroom. Parents may not wait in the hallways for students. Parents must leave any items, such as lunch, at the school office.