Progress Reports
Parents may check a student's progress at any time through the Sycamore Information System. A paper progress report is issued to all students in the middle of the first trimester. Students receive deficiency notices for any class in which the grade falls below a 75% in the middle of the second and third trimesters.
Report Cards
Early Education (PS 2+, PS 3+, TK, and K) uses a standards-based, developmental report card, appropriate to their levels. Progress in early education relies heavily on the teacher's direct observations. Progress reports are sent home in January and in June.
At the end of each trimester, a paper report card is generated from the Sycamore Information System for students in grades 1 – 8. This confirms final grades in all subject disciplines, behavior, and work habits. Both percentage and letter grades are used on these cards.
The teacher of each course determines the grade that each student receives. Except in cases of clerical or mechanical error, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, the grade is final. If an administrator suspects fraud or bad faith, he or she must consult with the Department of Catholic Schools before any action is taken. If a grading error is discovered after grades are submitted, the grade may be corrected only with the written consent and collaboration of both the teacher and elementary school principal.