In light of Gospel values, St. Augustine School communicates and maintains a high standard of conduct for student learning and achievement. The St. Augustine Honor Code centers on the spirit of intellectual honesty that lies at the heart of academic excellence. It is a shared value among all members of the school community.
Under the St. Augustine Honor Code, the students agree to:
- academic honesty in the individual completion of work
- academic integrity in acknowledgment of all sources
- responsibility in the face of academic dishonesty
- respect for others to act with academic honesty
Academic dishonesty is a grievous offense and is taken very seriously. It includes a variety of forms. Copying another person's homework, or allowing that action, is one form of academic dishonesty; it puts forth one person's work as someone else's. Submitting work done in another class or another year by one's self or another student also constitutes an act of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the copying or taking of any ideas, words, or information that is not your own, without appropriately acknowledging its source. Digital citizenship is taught to students so they understand appropriate usage of resources and issues concerning copyright of Internet resources. Students learn about intellectual property and the use of proper citation in age-appropriate, grade-level classes. Any time a student fails to credit the source of ideas not their own, he or she is guilty of plagiarism.Students violate the Academic Honor Code any time they copy work or plagiarize. Violations of the honor code may result in:- Receiving a score of "0" for the assignment, without the option to resubmit the assignment
- A principal-parent-teacher-student conference
- A 1-hour detention
- A 1 – 2 day suspension for habitual violations