Positive discipline is an integral part of the philosophy at St. Martin of Tours School.  Its purpose is to promote genuine pupil development, to promote self-discipline, and to provide a positive climate conducive to learning.  It is the desire of the faculty to work closely with the parents in mutual support of each other so that the student will be open and prepared to observe school and classroom regulations.  

Teachers are responsible for establishing their own classroom management plans, including the basic rules and regulations for proper behavior in their classrooms. These basic rules will be based upon the following premises:             

  • Students will not stop the teacher from teaching. 
  • Students will not prevent another student from learning. 
  • Students will show courtesy and respect at all times.
 The teacher and school must be able to exercise discretionary authority. Therefore, each classroom teacher will send home class procedures/rules and consequences at the beginning of the school year to be signed by both parent and student as a means of communicating such rules.

As a faculty we sincerely want to help our students improve their general behavior, to lead them to make good choices, and to make them aware that they are responsible for their own actions.  We also hope to bring them to realize that as members of St. Martin of Tours School they must be sensitive to the needs of others.  A simple discipline policy has been established by which good behavior is recognized and rewarded.  Unacceptable behavior is subject to disciplinary action.

Discipline in the Catholic school is an aspect of moral guidance and not a form of punishment.  The purpose of discipline is to provide a school climate conducive to learning and one that promotes character development.

Discipline is maintained in a classroom or school when students work cooperatively with the principal, the teachers, and their classmates towards the attainment of the class and school objectives. However, it should be noted that the legitimate interest of the school extends beyond the school day and beyond the school hours.

St. Martin of Tours School reserves the right to review the conduct and actions of its students regardless of when or where such actions take place if they are of a nature as to bring discredit to the school or if they conflict with the Christian values for which St. Martin of Tours School stands.  The school may choose to respond to off-campus misconduct that might negatively affect the school's reputation.  The school has the right to decline enrollment or re-enrollment or to discipline, suspend, or dismiss any student for any reason the school considers sufficient in its sole discretion.  The fact that the school reserves the right to address off-campus misconduct that does not directly affect the school shall not be construed to create any duty to address such misconduct, and the school in its sole discretion, may elect to refrain from misconduct that does not directly affect the school.​

Maintenance of Effective Discipline

Effective discipline is maintained when there is:

  • ​Reasonable quiet and order in the building
  • Positive correction of behavior
  • Constant encouragement of acceptable classroom conduct
  • Firm but fair treatment of students
  • Consistent follow through

