Students at Our Lady of Loretto are provided with the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and written skills.  The eighth graders engage themselves in producing an annual yearbook in which all the children’s good memories at Loretto are treasured for a lifetime.  It is not a fund-raising event. 

The production of a monthly School News Paper for Primary and for Upper students is under the Publicity Committee, which is formed of students of various grade levels.  It is headed by Student Council Commissioners and supervised by a faculty member. 

  • ​​Student Publications

    ​​Student publications are an important component of the instructional program and contribute directly to each school's goals.

    The principal is the publisher and has the legal responsibility for all student publications, including the newspaper, yearbook, and website. All school publications must observe copyright laws.

    The principal may appoint a moderator who exercises control over submitted material. Before the material is printed and distributed, the moderator must review all material and submit a copy of the publication to the principal for approval.

    Additionally, the principal (or the moderator, if one has been designated), shall:

    • Establish a clear understanding of the purpose of the publication and the limitations on the editor's authority

    • Confirm that topics are in good taste 

    • Assure that material complies with Catholic teaching 

    • Encourage students to treat others respectfully and avoid personally attacking people

    • Require that students check facts carefully before publishing a story 

    • Obtain the requires signature on the Parent/Guardian Release for Student or Minor (Noncommercial) (Engli​sh version and Spanish version)​.


