Skip Navigation LinksSt. Teresa of Avila Catholic School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-02-Integral Student Outcomes (ISO) / Learning Expectations


A Saint Teresa of Avila School student strives to be .......

A Committed, Active Catholic who ..... 

  • internalizes Catholic values and moral understanding by practicing the virtues of forgiveness, honesty, social justice, tolerance, compassion and respect for life and all of God’s creations.

  • has a clear understanding of their faith by learning the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church and the message of the Scriptures.

  • has developed a personal habit of  prayer, regular Mass attendance, reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.

  • actively volunteers and willingly shares their time, talents and treasure with others.

An Active, Lifelong Learner  who ...  

  • has developed proficiencies in all basic subjects and demonstrates achievement and consistency in effective communication, critical thinking and independent problem solving.

  • uses effective organizational and study skills which enables them to follow directions, demonstrate responsibility and accomplish goals.

  • has a continuing curiosity for learning, solves problems resourcefully and accepts constructive criticism for the benefit of her/him self and o thers.

  • utilizes available resources effectively, including modern technology.

  • is able to apply their learned knowledge and skills to their own life situations.

A Universally Aware Citizen who ...  

  • appreciates their own cultural heritage as well as the richness of the diverse cultures of all people in our world 

  • has learned the importance and impact of current local, national and world events and the people who shape these events.

  • accepts their moral responsibility to participate in the democratic process

  • participate actively in student government 

  • appreciates the need and accepts the responsibility to protect our earth’s environment.

  • has a healthy respect for authority and understands the need to obey rules.

A Confident Communicator who ...  

  • articulates ideas clearly, creatively and effectively through speaking and writing and is capable of utilizing current technologies.

  • speaks with confidence and poise and is able to apply etiquette in working with others, both publicly and privately.

  • is able to listen actively and respect others views and opinions.

A Well-Rounded Person who . . .  

  • is able to demonstrate  strong self-discipline and takes responsibility for their actions.

  • is willing to ask for assistance or instruction when needed and always tries to work out  problems, whether behavior or academic.

  • is able to work independently as well as interdependently in order to accomplish common goals

  • takes responsibility for projects through cooperative interaction:  initiating,   planning and executing them fully.

  • is confident in their personal abilities, whether it be academic, music, dance, art or physical fitness.




