Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-3-CATHOLIC IDENTITY > section-3-4-Campus Ministry


Maria Regina School (MRS) is “A Special Place” that encourages faculty, staff, and parents to work in partnership for the development of the whole child to live lives reflective of the teachings of Jesus Christ.  The school culture, including concerns for social justice and elements of social outreach, represents the collective involvement of the Maria Regina School community.  The various stakeholders, united by their common commitment to the ministry of Catholic education and the mission of MRS, share in the faith formation of the school community enacted through spiritual development, Mass and sacramental celebrations, campus ministry, and social outreach, among others. ​The school continues to promote evangelization and service to the community with a wide range of opportunities including, but not limited to, service projects, disaster reliefs, Thanksgiving Baskets (given to needy families or outreach groups), and through participation in charitable programs such as Pennies for Patients, Kids Heart Challenge, Missionary Childhood Association (MCA), Angel Bin, and Toys for Tots, among others. Thus, MRS actively seeks to live out its well-established mission and philosophy statements that reflect a commitment to Catholic identity and social justice principles, which are aligned with the Archdiocesan vision and recognizes the dignity of all.



