Detentions are held once a week on THURSDAYs, from 3:15pm - 4:15pm (unless otherwise scheduled by the principal). Students and parents will receive at least a day’s notice if their child needs to serve detention. This notice is to be signed by the parent and returned following morning. Students not returning the detention slip the next day will not be allowed into the classroom until the slip is signed.  Students not showing up for detention will receive a pink slip.

Procedures and consequences for detention are as follow:

  1. First detention, no further disciplinary action.
  2. Second detention, will result in a lower conduct grade if given within the same trimester. As well as, suspension from at least three weeks of sports, choir, cheerleading, student council, etc.
  3. Third detention will result in an automatic pink slip and must also serve a mandatory Saturday Detention. Behavior grade will be lowered. Students will not participate in any sports, clubs, and activities for at least six weeks. May not participate in class field trips or activities for that trimester.  

Note: Signing the appropriate disciplinary paper is an indicator of awareness not necessarily agreement.


The Pink Slip policy is as follows:

  • 3 detentions = 1st Pink Slip
  • 6 detentions = 2nd Pink Slip & Suspension
  • 9 detentions = 3rd Pink Slip & Possible Expulsion (Principal’s discretion)
  • Suspension offenses = Pink Slip
  • Pink Slip = Saturday Detention


  • A student may earn a detention for disciplinary infraction and/or failure to submit completed homework assignment. 
  • For every three detention a student earns, he or she automatically earns a pink slip.  
  • Once a pink slip is earned, whether for three detentions or otherwise, that student is mandatorily required to attend Saturday Detention.  
  • Parents will be notified of the date via the pink slip.  
  • Saturday detention is generally scheduled on the second Saturday of the month.  
  • Saturday detention is held from 7:00-9:00AM at Maria Regina School.  
  • Students who failed to attend Saturday Detention will be automatically suspended from school the following Monday or as stipulated by the vice principal or principal.  
  • Parents are expected to have their child attend on time in complete uniform and be picked up promptly at 9:00AM.
  • Students receiving detentions recurringly will be suspended (as stipulated by the vice principal or principal).
These disciplinary measures, including detention of students, follow the archdiocesan policies on discipline (see below).

