
St. Gertrude the Great has a zero tolerance policy for any student who uses tobacco, alcohol or drugs on campus and for any student who brings what is determined to be a dangerous object or weapon to school. It is cause for expulsion for any student who participates in behavior of this type.​​

​​Reasons for Expulsion

Reasons for expulsion include but are not limited to the following offenses:

  • Actions that are gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other students 
  • Habitual profanity or vulgarity 
  • Assault, battery, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any student or school personnel
  • Harassing, bull​ying, or hazing other students or school personnel 
  • Open, persistent defiance of the teacher's authority
  • Continued willful disobedience 
  • Use, sale, distribution, or possession of narcotics, drugs,​ or any other controlled substance
  • Use, sale, distribution, or possession of any alcoholic beverages on or near school premises 
  • Smoking, pos​session of tob​acco​, vaping or possession of vaping devices
  • Theft 
  • Forgery of signatures 
  • Cheating or plagiarism 
  • Willful defacement or damage of school property, real or personal
  • Habitual truancy 
  • Possession of harmful weapons (e.g., knives or guns) or materials that can be used as weapons 
  • Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group responsible for coercive or violent activity 
  • Actions in or out of school that are detrimental to the school's reputation 
  • Violations of the electronic acceptab​le use policies and guidelines 
  • Inappropriate conduct or behavior unbecoming a student in a Catholic school 

Procedure for Expulsion

Except in cases involving grave offenses, the school must take the following steps to expel a student:

  • The principal, teacher, parents/guardians, and student must attend a conference. The principal will advise the family that the student could be expelled unless there is immediate improvement in the student's behavior. In parish schools, the pastor should be notified of the conference, given an opportunity to attend, and provided a report of the discussion. 
  • If the student's behavior does not improve, the final decision will be communicated at a second conference attended by the principal, teacher, parents/guardians, and pastor (if applicable). If the parents/guardians fail, without cause, to attend the conference, the final decision will still apply and the parents/guardians will be notified. In a parish school, the final decision rests with the pastor in consultation with the principal. 
  • In no case will a teacher on his or her own authority expel a student. 
  • The school will give full credit for all work the student accomplished up to the moment of expulsion.

​Written Records

The school must keep on file a written record of the steps leading to an expulsion, with copies of all communications and reports. This record should be maintained for one year following the expulsion.

Cases Involving Grave Offenses

In a case involving a grave offense, which may include a violation of law or actions so outrageous as to shock the conscience of the community, the student is immediately suspended​ and there is no requirement to hold the initial conference. The school should follow this procedure when the continued presence of the student at school (even for a short period of time) will pose, in the reasonable judgment of the principal, a serious threat to the health and welfare of students, faculty, or staff.

When a student is immediately suspended and expulsion is probable, the school should clearly explain the rules and consequences of the violation to the student and his or her parents/guardians while the case is being investigated.

Time of Expulsion

A school may immediately expel a student if the reasons are urgent.

Only in exceptional cases shall a school be allowed to expel a graduating student who has been in the school one or more years.

For elementary schools, if an expulsion happens during the last quarter of the school year or during the last semester in the case of a graduating student, the school needs prior approval of the Department of Catholic Schools before the expulsion can take effect. It is recommended that high schools consult with the Department of C​atholic Schools​​ before expelling a graduating student. 

Reporting of Expulsions

Even if they occur at the end of the school year, all expulsions are to be reported by phone to the assistant superintende​nt​ at the Department of Catholic Schools within 24 hours and subsequently submitted in writing.

The school shall immediately notify the county office of education of expulsions. A copy of the Cumulative Pupil Record should be held until requested. 

Right to Make Exceptions

The principal, in consultation with the pastor (for a parish school), retains the right to make exceptions in cases where mitigating circumstances call for a different response than policy suggests.

Home Study

Certain circumstances may dictate that a student, at the discretion of the principal, be excluded from school attendance for a period of time. This is a remedy for unusual situations and is not considered a suspension. The school may give students tests, etc., outside school hours so that grades can be reported. A student placed on home study is expected to pay full tuition. Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising a student on home study.

At the discretion of the principal, any student who is accused of a felony may be placed on home study until the case is resolved.


