Admission to the ninth grade at Bishop Alemany High School is based on the results of a Placement Test, a satisfactory transcript of grades and conduct from the prior school, teacher recommendations, and a discerned ability to benefit from the total education program offered at Bishop Alemany. Final decisions on acceptance rest with the Admissions Committee of Bishop Alemany High School.

● Students may apply for admission to the 9th and 10th grades. Normally, transfers into the 11th or 12th grade are accepted only if the student is coming from another Catholic school or is newly moved into the area. Other students applying for the 11th or 12th grade will be evaluated on an individual basis. Practicing Catholics always receive preference in admission.
●  Students are not permitted to repeat a grade level unless approved by Administration.
Incoming students who miss the regularly scheduled Placement Test in January may be charged a late Application Fee,which includes a make-up exam scheduled in the spring.

●  Foreign students applying for admission to Bishop Alemany High School must demonstrate proficiency in the English language through a written/oral exam. Students not able to demonstrate English proficiency will be recommended by the school to take an E.S.L. program on campus. Students may re-apply to Alemany once they have learned the English language. Students will again be tested for English proficiency.

●  Admission to the school will normally only be considered at semester breaks.

●  Transfer students must have the following number of units:

​For 10th grade​First semester - 60 units
Second semester - 90 units
​For 11th grade​First semester - 120 units
Second semester - 150 units
​For 12th grade​First semester - 180 units

● Students transferring from public school may apply for a waiver of 5 units per semester of religion.

Transfer students and late applicants will be conditionally accepted pending receipt of final official transcripts from the school(s) last attended. If the student’s transcript indicates one or more failing or incomplete grades, that student will be required to immediately withdraw from Bishop Alemany High School.

The Admissions Committee reserves the right to grant exceptions in extraordinary circumstances.


