Topic 4-05-2 – Parent Messages and Phone Calls
The Alemany website is the official online source for school information. Alemany news, calendar events, and departmental information are publicly available and updated. Please access on a regular basis to remain current with Bishop Alemany High School.
In the event of problems in a particular teacher's class, this simple process should be followed (in sequence):
- Contact the teacher first. A parent may call the office (818-365-3925, Ext. 5200) to leave a message for a teacher. Alternatively, each teacher may be emailed. A directory is available on the Alemany website.
- If the teacher is unavailable at the time of a parent/guardian call, the teacher will return the call as soon as possible, usually within two (2) business days.
- If the problem persists, the Department Chairperson should be contacted in the same manner.
- A still unresolved problem should be referred to the Assistant Principal.
- Finally, contact the Principal.