Skip Navigation LinksBishop Alemany High School > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-07-Safety and Security Procedures

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Section 4-07 – Safety and Security Procedures

State and Federal laws require employers, schools, and places of public assembly to provide an environment that is healthy and safe for all.  The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is committed to ensuring that all staff, parishioners, students, and guests can work, worship, learn, and visit without encountering known health hazards or dangerous conditions.  As ministers and the faithful, every clergy member, employee, and volunteer in our parishes and schools shall place the safety and welfare of the young and vulnerable above their own safety.  Due to the multifaceted services the Archdiocese offers in different locations, and in deference to the canonical principle of subsidiarity, as a matter of Archdiocesan policy each location is separately responsible for providing a safe, secure and healthy environment for all.

Each location must follow the programs, policies and procedures of the Archdiocese as distributed or posted by the Archdiocese.  Everyone at each location is responsible for maintaining overall environmental health and safety.  However, certain persons are charged with specific responsibilities in this regard:

  • The person in charge at every location must, in consultation and collaboration with others, develop and implement emergency programs and plans, risk management procedures and injury and illness prevention programs.
  • Staff members should be trained to observe their surroundings and inform the person in charge of potential hazards, dangerous conditions, and people who may need attention.​
  • Students and other participants in school and parish programs should be taught the elements of safe conduct and environmental awareness.


    For safety purposes, students must obey the traffic signals at Rinaldi Street while crossing to the athletic fields.


    All dances are male-female date dances and for Bishop Alemany High School students only, unless otherwise announced.  If guests are allowed, Guest Passes must be approved by the Deans prior to the event.  Students are limited to one approved guest.  The Alemany student is responsible for the good conduct of his/her guest.  The policy regarding guests who have withdrawn or been dismissed from Bishop Alemany may be found below.  All guests should be under the age of 21.

    Dances are normally scheduled from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m.  Students must be present from a half-hour after the starting time of the dance until a half-hour before the ending time.  Prom is an exception to this rule since students must arrive and leave via school-provided transportation.

    After a careful analysis of problems associated with underage students utilizing limousine services, Bishop Alemany High School joins many other high schools in the area in prohibiting the use of limousines and other chauffeur-driven vehicles at all Bishop Alemany High School dances and events.  Such vehicles will not be allowed on campus.  Students who arrive in such vehicles will be turned away at the gate and forfeit any kind of refund.
    In addition, limousines or other chauffeur-driven vehicles may not pick up students after the Prom.

    If any student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol by any school faculty or staff member, he/she may be subject to a sobriety test.  In addition, the parent/guardian will be called to take the student home.  The student will be suspended pending disciplinary action.

    Any student absent from school on the day of a dance or social event may not attend the event.

    Freshmen are not permitted to attend Prom.  If any student owes detention hours, he/she may not be allowed to attend any dance, including but not limited to Homecoming and Prom.

    Former Students

    Any student who has been asked to withdraw or has been expelled from Bishop Alemany High School may not attend any extracurricular function sponsored by Bishop Alemany or those that take place on Bishop Alemany campus.  The events that the former student may not attend include, but are not limited to, dances, athletic events, concerts, or theater productions.

    One calendar year from the time a student is asked to withdraw or is expelled from Bishop Alemany High School, that student may petition for permission to attend extracurricular activities sponsored by Bishop Alemany or those that take place on Bishop Alemany campus.  Any request by a former student to attend a specific event or events must be made at least one month prior to the scheduled event.  The petition must include:
  • A signed typewritten letter from the former student requesting permission to attend activities sponsored by Bishop Alemany High School.  The letter should include the reasons the former student believes he or she should be allowed to attend these activities, how the former student's behavior has changed sufficiently to warrant this permission, and what type of behavior the student will guarantee if given permission.
  • Two letters of recommendation.  If the former student is currently attending another high school, then one of the letters must be from a dean or counselor from the student's current school.  The letter must address the student's discipline record at the current school.  The other letter (or both letters if the former student is not currently enrolled in another high school) must be from adults who are not members of the former student's immediate family.  The letters should describe the adult's relationship with the former student and comment on the former student's behavior and character.
  • An interview.  Bishop Alemany will assign a committee including an administrator and a Dean to meet in person with the student.

    After all the requirements of the petition are submitted, the student will be notified of the decision of the school in writing within two (2) weeks of the interview.  This decision will be final and not subject to any further discussion.

    If permission is granted to attend the petitioned event, the student will fill out any contract for the event (if applicable) and abide by further Bishop Alemany High School policy.

    Normally, the only former students who will be given permission to attend Bishop Alemany sponsored activities will be those who were not on strict probation prior to the request to withdraw or expulsion and did not have a significant discipline record while a student at Bishop Alemany.  It is up to the discretion of the Dean and administrator to determine if the appeal will be accepted.

    Drug and Alcohol Policy

    Students who seek help from the Administration or faculty for a drug or alcohol related problem will be given support and guidance.  Bishop Alemany will work with families to free a student from substance abuse.  This would include required counseling.  However, students who do not seek prior help and are guilty of use, possession, or distribution of drugs or alcohol will be liable for immediate expulsion.

    Bishop Alemany considers substance abuse an extremely moral and personal problem.  This rule will be strictly enforced.  The Administration may require a test for illegal substances any time it suspects a student may be involved in drugs or other illegal substances.  These tests will be performed at the parent/guardian's expense.  Tests may also be administered at school if the school Administration deems that there are sufficient grounds.  Parents who allow substance abuse at parties or the like in their homes are advised that Bishop Alemany deplores this practice vehemently.

    Use – Use implies that a student is reasonably known to have taken or to be under the influence of illegal substances while under the jurisdiction of school authorities.  This includes such actions as smoking marijuana, using steroids, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, etc.  Bishop Alemany High School does not recognize Medical Marijuana licenses.

    Possession – Possession of drugs or alcohol implies that a student has on his/her person, or within his/her personal property, in the car he/she is driving, or has under his/her control any drugs or alcohol (including marijuana) on campus, in the immediate vicinity of the campus, at school activities or school functions.  Bishop Alemany High School does not recognize Medical Marijuana licenses.

    Distribution – Distribution of drugs or alcohol implies the transfer of such substances to another person, with or without the exchange of money or other valuables.  Students in possession of drug paraphernalia including a Medical Marijuana license will be suspended and subject to dismissal.

    Penalties – Students determined to be distributors of drugs or alcohol, as defined above, shall be subject to dismissal from school.  In cases of drug possession and/or distribution, the police will be consulted.  Students in possession of drug paraphernalia will be suspended and subject to dismissal.

    Student Searches – Bishop Alemany must be able to provide a safe and healthy environment for all students.  Therefore, a student who refuses to submit to a reasonable search by an appropriate Dean of his/her person, backpack, vehicle, and any other belongings will be presumed to be in possession of contraband and will be subject to dismissal from Bishop Alemany.  The Dean will notify the student's parent/guardian after any search.

    Canine Contraband Detection Program

    Bishop Alemany High School is committed to providing its students, faculty, and staff with a learning environment and workplace free of drugs, alcohol, and weapons as well as the violence that often accompanies such things.  To this end, Bishop Alemany High School contracts the services of Impact Canine Solutions, a private, non-police-affiliated company that utilizes canines trained in the detection of the following odors:
  1. Illegal Drugs (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, opium, etc.)
  2. Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs (aspirin, muscle relaxants, etc.)
  3. Alcoholic Beverages (beer, wine, liquor, etc.)
  4. Gunpowder (fireworks, ammunition, firearms, etc.)
  5. Residual Odor (where one of the above was previously present)

    The Program – Bishop Alemany uses these detection canines to check odors from student backpacks and vehicles, and Bishop Alemany common areas.  At no time do the canines check individual persons.  An Impact Canine Solutions handler and canine are escorted around campus by a Bishop Alemany Administrator, usually a Dean of Discipline.  In the event of a canine alert (the term used when a canine detects the scent of a substance it is trained to detect), the handler will advise the Dean of the location of the alert and the following steps will take place:
  • Backpacks – The Dean and handler will conduct a thorough search of the backpack and all its contents.  Depending on the circumstances, the student will then be escorted to the Dean's Office where a reasonable and limited search of the student's person will be conducted by the appropriate Dean.
  • Vehicles – The Dean will summon the owner of the vehicle and, with the handler, will conduct a thorough search of the vehicle and all its contents.  Depending on the circumstances, the student will be escorted to the Dean's Office where a reasonable and limited search of the student's person will be conducted by the appropriate Dean.

    A student who refuses to submit to any of the previously mentioned searches will be presumed to be in possession of contraband and will be subject to dismissal from Bishop Alemany.

    In the event of an alert, the appropriate search will be conducted.  The Dean will do any necessary investigation and then notify the student's parent/guardian.  Depending on the nature of the contraband, the police may be notified, and appropriate school discipline will be rendered.

    Each time a canine alert occurs, the handler will complete an Incident Maintenance Report detailing the item(s) detected, the location of the alert, and a list of any item(s) retained.

    Off-Limits Areas
  • The following areas are off-limits to students without proper authorization:

    • Swimming pool area
    • The Chapel
    • Alumni Hall
    • San Fernando Mission Rey de España
    • The area behind the West building bordering San Fernando Mission Cemetery
    • San Fernando Mission Cemetery and Mission Hills Catholic Mortuary
    • Utter McKinley Mission Hills Mortuary
    • Brand Park (across San Fernando Mission Boulevard)
    • The orange groves and any construction areas
    • Private hallway on West campus next to C-wing
    • All athletic facilities, hallways, stairwells, and classroom areas without proper faculty/staff supervision
    • Students must wait for rides in area(s) identified by staff or security.  They are not allowed to loiter or roam campus.

    It is the student's responsibility to remain in designated and supervised areas of campus.  No student is allowed to loiter in any area without supervision at any time.

    Designated Areas – The following rules are to be observed in the designated areas:
  • Classrooms – Students are to be in classrooms when the tardy bell rings.  No food, drink, or chewing gum are allowed in classrooms or corridors.  Classroom furniture is to be kept in good condition.  Students are not to be in any classroom without proper supervision.
  • Hallways/Stairways/Balconies – Unnecessary noise, rough-housing and/or loitering are strictly prohibited.  Students may not sit or walk on balcony walls.  Students are not to be in any hallways without proper supervision.  Use of the elevators is strictly prohibited without permission.  These areas are off limits to all students unless under the direct supervision of a staff or faculty member.
  • Lunch Area – Students must remain in the designated lunch areas during the entire lunch period.  Orderly conduct is expected here.  The vending machines are for use during lunch and nutrition times only.  They are not to be used between classes.  All food and drinks are to remain in the lunch area.
  • Assemblies – Assemblies are a part of the school program.  Therefore, students are required to observe the same rules of conduct that apply throughout the school day.
  • Gymnasium – No student is to be in the gymnasium or locker room either during or after school hours unless under the actual supervision of a designated faculty member.  This applies especially during lunch periods.
  • Swimming Pool – Students wearing swimsuits must remain in the pool area.  When leaving the pool area, students must be appropriately dressed.  This applies to all students, including athletic team members.  Students should not be in the pool area unless they are with a Bishop Alemany High School staff member.
  • Campus-wide ​- For general safety, glass bottles on campus are not allowed.

    Parent Cooperation

    Parents/guardians are required to cooperate fully with the school in all policies, rules, and regulations.  By enrolling their students at Bishop Alemany High School, parents/guardians have chosen to entrust their children to the care of professionals who have the students' best interests as a primary concern.

    The education of a student is a partnership between the parents/guardians and the school.  Just as the parent/guardian has the right to withdraw a child if desired, the school Administration has the right to require the withdrawal of a student if the Administration determines that the partnership is irretrievably broken.

    California State Law states that it is a misdemeanor for any person, parent, or guardian to upbraid, insult, or verbally abuse any member of the school administration, faculty, or staff in the performance of their duties on or off school premises.

